Need help by Physik Engine wrapper


09-11-2006 18:17:34


i want to use SWIG for using game-physics-enine

for visual basic .net. You can download the engine dll and a include file on homepage. I've written a

DotNETWrapper.i with following text:

%include <windows.i>

%module PhysicsAndMathLibrary





%include "PhysicsAndMathLibraryImports.h"

i compile it with the following parameter:

swig.exe -dllimport DotNetWrapper -c++ -csharp -o PhysicsAndMathLibraryImports_wrap.cxx -outdir ..\DotNET DotNETWrapper.i

Everything is working fine. I've created a c# project and compile the result to a dll and include it to my visual basic project with the following code line

Dim PhysicalSimulationParameter As New CPhysicalSimulationParameter("Physics/SimulationParameter.txt")

(the textfile is on the correct location). When i will start my project i'll get the following error:

Eine nicht behandelte Ausnahme des Typs 'System.EntryPointNotFoundException' ist in dotnetwrapper.dll aufgetreten.

Zusätzliche Informationen: Unable to find an entry point named ? in DLL DotNetWrapper.


Eine nicht behandelte Ausnahme des Typs 'System.TypeInitializationException' ist in dotnetwrapper.dll aufgetreten.

Zusätzliche Informationen: The type initializer for "SWIGExceptionHelper" threw an exception.

The creator of the engine tell me that he do not have any entry point. ......

I'm not really good in c++ and c# so i neet a little help for understanding the problem and find a solution.

Thx and Greetings