17-12-2006 11:20:27
I ave a problem with Ray Query.
Every time I click on any mesh I get 0,0,0 as intersection....
this is the portion of code.
I'm not using it in a window so I don't need to divide e.X, e.Y by window size (I also tried it but I get no result with it).
I ave a problem with Ray Query.
Every time I click on any mesh I get 0,0,0 as intersection....
this is the portion of code.
I'm not using it in a window so I don't need to divide e.X, e.Y by window size (I also tried it but I get no result with it).
Ray mouseRay = mCamera.GetCameraToViewportRay(e.X, e.Y);
// Execute query
RaySceneQueryResult result = mRaySceneQuery.execute();
RaySceneQueryResult.RaySceneQueryResultEnumerator itr = result.GetEnumerator();
// Get results
if ( itr != null && itr.MoveNext() )
Vector3 ClickPoint = itr.Current.getWorldFragment().getSingleIntersection();
SetCustomTempOverlayCaption(0, 5, "Click in x:" + ClickPoint.x + " y:" + ClickPoint.y + " z:"+ ClickPoint.z);