Strange error while Installing OgreDotNet


03-04-2006 14:37:26


I try to compile since yesterday. I got the following error:

Error 9 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step" GangstaBindings

I don't know how to solve this. I'm using Visual Studio 2005.
I hope anyone can help me


03-04-2006 15:27:19

You need the lib & header-files for gangsta wrapper to build it. You can still build ogredotnet without it.. Just ignore it/don't build it.


03-04-2006 16:00:58

Ok now I get these errors

Error 1 error C4335: Mac file format detected: please convert the source file to either DOS or UNIX format f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\eventhandler.h 1
Warning 2 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\gpuprogramext.h 56
Warning 3 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\gpuprogramext.h 306
Warning 4 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\movableobjectext.h 75
Warning 5 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\staticgeometrysubclassproxies.h 182
Warning 6 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\staticgeometrysubclassproxies.h 478
Warning 7 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\staticgeometrysubclassproxies.h 549
Warning 8 warning C4172: returning address of local variable or temporary f:\ogredotnet\ogrenet\staticgeometrysubclassproxies.h 550

It failed compiling after a Message Box popped up which asked me if I want to add the changed File somethin.cxx to the project. I clicked yes. was it the right decision?


03-04-2006 17:02:35

Huh... there should already be a .cxx file in each of the bindings solutions. I have no idea why it would ask you to add one.

My recommendation at this point would be to blow away everything you have in the ogredotnet folder, and redownload from CVS... start fresh.


03-04-2006 17:23:26

this is my fault on the last update i didn't check line endings in all the files (new files ).
for each of the *.h files in project OgreBindings, just double click them in Solution Explorer to bring it up and it should give you a error message and ask to convert it.

realy its M$ being 4$$es 2003 has no problem with unix line endings. now they want to b|7ch :)


03-04-2006 17:25:11

I'm assuming you've uploaded the fixed files?

If so, remember that there's a 24 hour waiting period on the CVS for any new updates.


03-04-2006 17:58:48

I got many errors on converting the project to Visual Studio 2005.

maybe someone could upload the projectfile for visual studio 2005.


03-04-2006 18:02:32

actualy i was talking about the error message in the code block. I'v never seen the cxx message.

did you just do a batch build ? or did you right click on each of the *Bindings.i file and click compile first?
maybe a clean in 2005 removes the cxx because it is generated. Then on compile it detected it again. duno


03-04-2006 21:15:58

I had the same error with gangsta, i converted all files and it did it.

I remeber that i had to fix the path to OgreSDK in project files too.


04-04-2006 10:43:35

Hi Guys,

After successfully compiling:

Ogrebindings.i and

then reloading the OgreDotNet Solution (converted to 2005)

GangstaDotNet appears to be the only broken project - not a C# file to be had...I tried fixing the line-endings in the OgreBinding header files (several needed fixing) but I still can't compile GangstaDotNet ...not that I think it will cause me grief. :wink:

Oh..also, many of the projects are not flagged for building (17 where skipped, including OgreNet) so only 4 of the 7 DLL's were produced by default, and none of the Demos were compiled either :?

As a footnote, I have to say it's a pity that the absolute core of OgreDotNet (ie: the have to haves) is cluttered with so many peripheral projects and seems that the majority of dialogue that occurs on the forum is about installation issues caused by the myriad files rather than actually using OgreDotNet to produce 3D stuff. :wink:


Greg H.


04-04-2006 13:01:07

realy its M$ being 4$$es 2003 has no problem with unix line endings. now they want to b|7ch
I coudn't agree more.

I have to say it's a pity that the absolute core of OgreDotNet (ie: the have to haves) is cluttered with so many peripheral projects and files...
I hear ya... it does make it a little more complicated to get setup.

I got many errors on converting the project to Visual Studio 2005.
I'm just a noob... but try to convert and build the cpp projects first. Then build the c# projects after that.

Here is a build order that was recommended by Robert Isele in this post:

1. Math3D
(The following needs the swig stuff compiled)
2. OgreBindings (depends on Math3D)
3. OgreDotNet (depends on Math3D & OgreBindings)
if you need the CeGui, additionally:
4. CeGuiBindings (which, according to the solutionfile, doesn't depend on anything, but this is propably an error)
5. CeGuiNet (depends on Math3D & CeGuiBindings)
6. Demos...

Oh, one other thing Greg...

Have you been able to get a working copy of the Debug version of the dlls?

I've run into an error when trying to use them in a simple project.

Error #: 9
Function: DynLib::load
Description: Could not load dynamic library plugins\Plugin_BSPSceneManager. System Error: The specified module could not be found.

File: e:\projects\ogrecvs\branches\dagon_vc8_clean\ogrenew\ogremain\src\ogredynlib.cpp
Line: 82

My Release dlls seem to be working fine. I will post the details of the error in a new thread soon. But... I just thought I'd ask in passing...




04-04-2006 13:45:00

Hi EB,

I think you need to copy the DLL's from the OGRE SDK\bin\debug folder into your VS 2005 project \bin folder. By my calcs, you should have 25 DLL's (this includes 7 from the OgreDotNet build).

You'll also need a truckload of other stuff, like the SDK's \bin\media folder, and the cfg files to be copied into your VS 2005 \bin folder as well.

I've been battered by the whole migration thing, and it's now got to the point were I expect failure at every turn. Pity really. I want to focus on development, and I seem to swimming in a sea of trouble.




04-04-2006 14:53:24

GangstaWrapper is a sepert project
you will have to install it seperatly, and patch it to work with Dagon. the patch is in the SF project's Patch section.

it is NOT reqired for OgreDotNet. sorry i put it in there.