cvs update 2006-04-05


06-04-2006 05:27:23

fixed header file with Unix line endings.
added NodeListenerDirector
fixed CeguiNet.EventHandler not handling EventArgs correctly
Math3D/Quaternion.cs added function FromAngleDegreeAxis
added RemoveOwnership function to all SWIG generated classes for OgreDotNet. needed by MemoryDataStream Ogre automatically deletes them but the proxy classes keep a pointer and don't know its already deleted.
extended MemoryDataStream with functions to set the data.
fixed RenderTarget.getCustomAttribute changed parameter pData to byRef
added ManualResourceLoaderDirector
changed ExampleApplication.Dispose, all of the classes variables are null-ed so they can be release.
fixed DemoGAPyramid figured out what i was doing wrong in the set orientation code.

I didn't update all at once :/ so late tomarrow anonymouse cvs should be all updated.


07-04-2006 15:48:26

This is an excellent set of updates... thanks Rasta! Going to dnld that package now 'n give 'er a spin...