Help with 2 problems: widows form and Camera

Al Capique

13-04-2006 19:07:42

Hi guys

I started with OGRE last week and, with some difficulties, I am understanding how it work.

I´m making a small application using a windows form to test some features.
Everything works perfectly.

My next step was to create a plane. So, after building the application, it crashes when I finalize it. I don´t know why and only happens when i create a plane.

My other problem is that my PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC type Camera don´t "see" my plane when it has:
Camera.Position.x == plane.Position.x
Camera.Position.z == plane.Position.z


Camera.LookAt == plane.Position

I think it could be a rotation problem.

Any Idea to help me?

Thanks in advance.


14-04-2006 03:59:42

My other problem is that my PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC type Camera don´t "see" my plane when it has:
Camera.Position.x == plane.Position.x
Camera.Position.z == plane.Position.z


Camera.LookAt == plane.Position

well, off hand I'd try two things:
1st try changing the '==' to '='
== is the comparison operator for equality..

2nd, try moving the camera's initial position a little..

Camera.x = plane.Position.z + 100;

happy coding!


14-04-2006 10:05:49

the LookAt function takes a vector3 as an argument...

So camera.LookAt(SomeVector3) rather than camera.LookAt = SomeVector3...


14-04-2006 16:15:07

I think he's just telling you what the values equal with the "==".

@Al Capique
What is the plane's Normal? are you trying to look at it "Edge On"?
I've never used a orthographic camera, but you may not be able to see a plane "Edge on" with Ogre, you may need to fake it with a Line3D.

I think you would take the crossproduct of the plane
vecCross = crossproduct of plane.Pos and (plane.Pos + (plane.Normal * 2))
then draw a (plain.Pos + (vecCross *10)) to (plane.Pos +(vecCross *-10)

Al Capique

17-04-2006 18:12:48

Sorry about the confusion in my post.

what I wanted to say was:

My other problem is that my PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC type Camera don´t "see" my plane when it has:
Camera.Position.x EQUAL plane.Position.x
Camera.Position.z EQUAL plane.Position.z


Camera.LookAt EQUAL plane.Position

No, i don´t trying to lok at it "Edge On"?

For exemple:
My plane is origin with normal (0,1,0)

My camera has position.y equal 2500
when the camera has position.x or position.z different of zero I can see the plane. But when it is on (0, 2500, 0) the plane disappears.

Al Capique

17-04-2006 20:20:45

Here is my code.

If I uncomment the 6ª line (//this._Camera.SetPosition(0, 2500, 0)) I won´t see the plane anymore.

this._Camera = _SceneManager.CreateCamera("MainCamera");

this._Camera.NearClipDistance = 1000;

this._Camera.SetPosition(0.1f, 2500, 0);
//this._Camera.SetPosition(0, 2500, 0);

this._Camera.LookAt = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
this._Camera.ProjectionType = ProjectionType.PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC;

this._Viewport = this._RenderWindow.AddViewport(this._Camera);
this._Viewport.BackgroundColor = Color.Black;

this._Camera.AspectRatio = (float)_Viewport.ActualWidth/(float)_Viewport.ActualHeight;

Plane p = new Plane();
p.Normal.y = 1;
p.D = 0;

"General", p, 500, 500, 1, 1, true, 1, 1, 1, Vector3.UnitZ);

Entity pEnt = this._SceneManager.CreateEntity("plano_ent", "plano");
SceneNode node = this._SceneManager.GetRootSceneNode().CreateChildSceneNode("plano_node", new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

ResourceGroupManager.Instance.addResourceLocation("../Resource", "FileSystem", "General");

ResourcePtr RsPtr = MaterialManager.Instance.Create("plano_mat", "General", true);
Material mat = (new MaterialPtr(RsPtr)).Get();
Technique tec = mat.GetTechnique(0);
Pass pass = tec.getPass(0);




this.bRender = true;

Al Capique

17-04-2006 22:16:47

Me again =Þ

I solved the problems.

For the Camera I had to call Camera.SetFixedYawAxis(false)

and with the form problem I forgot to call Application.DoEvents in FrameEnded event.

Everthing is ok now.
Thaks for for the help guys.