Demos crashing
12-02-2007 23:47:51
I followed the instructions and built ogg, vorbis and OgreAL 0.2 perfectly. I then copied the debug binary of the Basic Demo, and debug dll of the library into my Ogre SDK (Dagon version) debug binary directory and the demo crashes. When I click the Basic Demo.exe button it pauses for a few seconds and then displays a standard XP crash dialog, and the debug cannot point to a C++ source line.
Any ideas? I downloaded the OgreAL library from the 0.2 zip. Is this supposed to be used with Ogre Dagon 1.2.2, or Eihort?
Here is the complete Ogre.log:
01:32:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
01:32:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
01:32:59: Loading library OgrePlatform_d.dll
01:32:59: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
01:32:59: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
01:32:59: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
01:32:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
01:32:59: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
01:32:59: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
01:32:59: DevIL version: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.7 Oct 28 2005
01:32:59: DevIL image formats: bmp dib cut dcx dds gif hdr ico cur jpg jpe jpeg lif mdl mng jng pcx pic pix png pbm pgm pnm ppm psd pdd psp pxr sgi bw rgb rgba tga vda icb vst tif tiff wal xpm raw
01:32:59: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
01:32:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
01:32:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
01:32:59: Loading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9
01:32:59: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created.
01:32:59: D3D9: Driver Detection Starts
01:32:59: D3D9: Driver Detection Ends
01:32:59: Loading library .\RenderSystem_GL
01:32:59: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
01:32:59: Loading library .\Plugin_ParticleFX
01:32:59: Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
01:32:59: Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
01:32:59: Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
01:32:59: Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
01:32:59: Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
01:32:59: Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
01:32:59: Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
01:32:59: Loading library .\Plugin_BSPSceneManager
01:32:59: Registering ResourceManager for type BspLevel
01:32:59: Loading library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
01:32:59: Loading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager
01:32:59: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
01:32:59: *-*-* Version 1.2.2 (Dagon)
01:32:59: Creating resource group Bootstrap
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'Bootstrap'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/fonts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/materials/programs' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/materials/scripts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/materials/textures' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/models' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/overlays' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/particle' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/gui' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/DeferredShadingMedia' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
01:32:59: Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
01:32:59: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
01:32:59: Parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap
01:32:59: Parsing script OgreCore.material
01:32:59: Parsing script OgreProfiler.material
01:32:59: Parsing script Ogre.fontdef
01:32:59: Parsing script OgreDebugPanel.overlay
I'd appreciate any help as I'd love to get started on implementing sound on my game using OgreAL... Thanks in advance!
12-02-2007 23:50:55
The trouble is that it's not finding the resources that it needs. You don't need to copy it anywhere, but modify your system path to point to the Ogre samples folders and modify the plugins.cfg to point to that folder too and it should just run from where ever it is.
12-02-2007 23:57:13
I can't believe you answered that fast... I'm baffled =D
In any case, that's what I tried to do in the beginning, but whatever I do it cannot find OgreMain_d.dll!
Here's my Plugins.cfg:
# Defines plugins to load
# Define plugin folder
PluginFolder=C:\Ogre SDK\bin\debug
# Define plugins
And it doesn't find OgreMain_d.dll... Even though it is in that directory.
My resources.cfg is unchanged as of now, does it need to be? Or is it automatically relative to the path I determined in Plugins.cfg?
13-02-2007 00:04:34
Yup, you shouldn't need to touch the resources.cfg. Can you make sure that "C:\Ogre SDK\bin\debug" and "C:\Ogre SDK\bin\release" are in your system path.
13-02-2007 00:36:41
Ok, I changed it now to:
- Indeed my OGRE_SRC is pointing to C:\Ogre\ogrenew
- Naturally that directory is indeed filled with all the dlls...
Still cannot find OgreMain_d.dll
Any ideas?
13-02-2007 00:39:30
Are you building Ogre from source or are you using the sdk? And what of your system path? To check this right-click on my computer, go to properties, then advanced and environment variables. In the box titled System Variables you should see and entry for path. You need to make sure that there is an entry telling it where to find the Ogre dlls.
13-02-2007 00:42:13
Building from source (I actually have the SDK installed too, but I use the source build)
and OGRE_SRC is defined for C:\Ogre\ogrenew under system variables.
13-02-2007 01:33:01
Can't get it to work =/
It won't find OgreMain_d.dll even though it is there, and as far I know directed correctly with system variables firmly in place...
If I move it there, add the resources.cfg specific to the 1st demo to the Ogre resources.cfg, add the actual resources themselves to the media dir, it will run but crashes at the line in which Ogre tries to get the rendering system capabilities.
I'm stumped.
13-02-2007 02:09:42
Ok, just to be clear, you need the OGRE_SRC, OPENAL_SDK, etc. as well as modifying your path. You do it like this:
Right click on My Computer and select Properties,
then click on the Advanced tab
Now click on the Environment Variables button
and find the path entry under System Variables and click Edit to make sure that the Ogre directories are there
13-02-2007 06:57:44
You should put those images regarding env. vars. in the setup sticky thread
13-02-2007 11:18:46
Path?! No one ever said anything about the Path variable =p
It works now, however the demos now crash on exit (when I hit ESC) with the following error (This is when running Basic_Demo):
13:05:05: *-*-* OgreAL Shutdown
13:05:09: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 3
Function: OgreAL::Sound::~Sound
Description: OpenAL Error: There is no current context.
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
13-02-2007 13:09:10
There have been a good number of improvements since the last release, so you could try updating from SVN and see if that fixes the problem.
13-02-2007 14:19:21
Ok I'll try man thanks for the lightning responses, you're a great help!
13-02-2007 14:21:12
Not a problem! Hope you like it!
13-02-2007 14:44:17
Latest SVN version demos work without a hitch, thanks... Now to experiment, muwaha
I'm checking if OgreAL is up to my needs now in an Ogre-based game I'm producing and programming... Think Splinter Cell / Prince of Percia, but with a fun and realistic combat system.
Soon on shelves, and in soon, I mean a couple of years from now =p
13-02-2007 17:40:03
Well, keep watching the forum because there is a lot of stuff in the works!
Well, keep watching the forum because there is a lot of stuff in the works!
Hi CaseyB,
I have the similiar problem encountered by Bagheera with the following log file.
10:04:03: Creating resource group General
10:04:04: Creating resource group Internal
10:04:04: Creating resource group Autodetect
10:04:04: SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
10:04:05: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
10:04:05: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
10:04:05: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
10:04:06: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
10:04:06: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
10:04:06: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
10:04:06: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
10:04:06: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
10:04:07: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
10:04:07: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
10:04:07: FreeImage version: 3.10.0
10:04:07: This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See for details
10:04:07: Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2
10:04:07: DDS codec registering
10:04:07: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
10:04:08: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
10:04:08: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
10:04:08: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
10:04:08: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
10:04:09: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
10:04:09: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
10:04:09: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
10:04:09: Loading library D:\OgreSDK\bin\debug\RenderSystem_Direct3D9_d
10:04:12: Installing plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem
10:04:12: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created.
10:04:12: D3D9: Driver Detection Starts
10:04:12: D3D9: Driver Detection Ends
10:04:12: Plugin successfully installed
10:04:12: Loading library D:\OgreSDK\bin\debug\RenderSystem_GL_d
10:04:14: Installing plugin: GL RenderSystem
10:04:14: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
10:04:14: Plugin successfully installed
10:04:14: Loading library D:\OgreSDK\bin\debug\Plugin_ParticleFX_d
10:04:15: Installing plugin: ParticleFX
10:04:15: Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
10:04:15: Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
10:04:15: Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
10:04:15: Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
10:04:15: Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
10:04:15: Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
10:04:15: Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
10:04:15: Plugin successfully installed
10:04:15: Loading library D:\OgreSDK\bin\debug\Plugin_BSPSceneManager_d
10:04:15: Installing plugin: BSP Scene Manager
10:04:15: Plugin successfully installed
10:04:15: Loading library D:\OgreSDK\bin\debug\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager_d
10:04:15: Installing plugin: Octree & Terrain Scene Manager
10:04:15: Plugin successfully installed
10:04:15: Loading library D:\OgreSDK\bin\debug\Plugin_CgProgramManager_d
10:04:16: Installing plugin: Cg Program Manager
10:04:16: Plugin successfully installed
10:04:16: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
10:04:16: *-*-* Version 1.4.6 (Eihort)
10:04:16: Creating resource group Bootstrap
10:04:17: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'Bootstrap'
10:04:17: Added resource location '../../media' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:17: Added resource location '../../media/fonts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:17: Added resource location '../../media/materials/programs' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:17: Added resource location '../../media/materials/scripts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:17: Added resource location '../../media/materials/textures' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:18: Added resource location '../../media/models' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:18: Added resource location '../../media/overlays' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:18: Added resource location '../../media/particle' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:18: Added resource location '../../media/gui' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
10:04:18: Added resource location '../../media/packs/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
10:04:18: Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
10:04:18: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
10:04:18: Parsing scripts for resource group Bootstrap
10:04:18: Parsing script OgreCore.material
10:04:19: Parsing script OgreProfiler.material
10:04:19: Parsing script Ogre.fontdef
10:04:20: Parsing script OgreDebugPanel.overlay
I tried doing the system path as mentioned in the previous and I also copied all the dll files into the executeable folder of Basic_Demo.
What could have gone wrong??
06-02-2008 02:53:51
It stopped before OgreAL even loaded. Was there any kind of a pop up window that gave any extra information?
It stopped before OgreAL even loaded. Was there any kind of a pop up window that gave any extra information?
I'm using VS2005 and Ogre-Eihort 1.4.6. I downloaded OgreAL 0.2 and opened OgreAL.sln file. After modifying the Basic_Demo properties to point the correct include folders and lib folders, I'm able to compile Basic_Demo successfully.
The WinXP crash dialog error occured when I run the executable.
I did a breakpoint at the following line in OgreApp.cpp:
The window crash dialog after Step-Over the above line.
Below is the content of my resource file:
# Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path
# This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework
# Resource locations to be added to the default path
06-02-2008 06:42:18
OH! 0.2 is really old! You'll need to get the latest from SVN. Have a look at the [u]Download and Setup Instructions[/u]
Sorry. I have downloaded OgreAL on 29 Jan 08 which I believe should be the latest revision.
Anyway, I can confirm the revision? I have used TortoiseSVN as you have instructed in the forum (using HEAD revision).
08-02-2008 16:34:51
If you used the TortoiseSVN instructions then you got the latest. If you want to verify you can do an svn update and it should tell you what revision it's at. It should be at revision 113.
If you used the TortoiseSVN instructions then you got the latest. If you want to verify you can do an svn update and it should tell you what revision it's at. It should be at revision 113.
Thanks CaseyB! I have resolved the Demo problem. It is due to the resources in the media folder...
12-02-2008 10:10:01
Good! Glad to hear you got it sorted!
Good! Glad to hear you got it sorted!
After trying out your demos application, I tried on my application but failed. I got window dialog titled "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" appears, indicating Assertion failed! with the following
File: e\projects\ogrecvs\branches\eih...\ogrelo...ger.cpp
Line: 44
Expression: ms_Singleton
I have only instantiated the SoundManager object and I got the above
class DemoApplication : public ExampleApplication
void createFrameListener();
void createScene();
OgreNewt::World* mWorld;
OgreNewt::BasicFrameListener* mNewtonListener;
Ogre::SceneNode* mCamNode;
OgreAL::SoundManager *soundManager;
// create OgreNewt world.
mWorld = new OgreNewt::World();
soundManager = new OgreAL::SoundManager();
Anything wrong with the above??
12-02-2008 10:43:28
Does creating an new OgreNewt::World() initialize Ogre? Because the constructor of the SoundManager assumes Ogre has been initialized and calls the Ogre::LogManager and the Ogre::Root getSingleton methods. If Ogre is not initialized these wont exist and will create issue you are seeing.
I just looked at the OgreNewt code and it's not doing anything to Ogre in that constructor, so Ogre is never initialized.
Does creating an new OgreNewt::World() initialize Ogre? Because the constructor of the SoundManager assumes Ogre has been initialized and calls the Ogre::LogManager and the Ogre::Root getSingleton methods. If Ogre is not initialized these wont exist and will create issue you are seeing.
I just looked at the OgreNewt code and it's not doing anything to Ogre in that constructor, so Ogre is never initialized.
Hmm... how to get Ogre initialized? I'm using Ogre's ExampleApplication and ExampleFrameListener.
I'm using oFusion for scene loading as well.
OSMScene oScene;
Should I call new OgreAL::SoundManager() after initialise() above?
12-02-2008 11:08:42
If you call it in the createScene() method of the Exmple framework everything should be initialized by then.
If you call it in the createScene() method of the Exmple framework everything should be initialized by then.
Yes! It works!
If you call it in the createScene() method of the Exmple framework everything should be initialized by then.

I transferred my application executable file from my development PC to the operational PC - No SOUND....
My development PC is my personal laptop.
My operational PC is a workstation with ATI Radeon graphics card and Realtek HD Audio... No sound. Checked the Ogre log file.
19:41:36: OpenAL Version: 1.1
19:41:36: Available Devices
19:41:36: -----------------
19:41:36: * Generic Software
19:41:36: Choosing: Generic Software
19:41:36: Supported Formats
19:41:36: -----------------
19:41:36: * AL_FORMAT_MONO16, Monophonic Sound
19:41:36: * AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, Stereo Sound
19:41:36: * AL_FORMAT_QUAD16, 4 Channel Sound
19:41:36: * AL_FORMAT_51CHN16, 5.1 Surround Sound
19:41:36: * AL_FORMAT_61CHN16, 6.1 Surround Sound
19:41:36: * AL_FORMAT_71CHN16, 7.1 Surround Sound
19:41:36: EAX 2.0 Detected
19:41:36: EFX Extension Found
Any sound card compatibility issue?
12-02-2008 12:31:55
Did you remember to install the OpenAL drivers on the new computer?
Did you remember to install the OpenAL drivers on the new computer?
Argh! It's because of the Realtek audio driver that was corrupted in the new computer. I reinstalled the driver, now it works!
Thanks for all your help!!
13-02-2008 01:01:56
Not a problem!

Thanks for using OgreAL!
23-06-2008 16:24:29
Every demos just crash. I always get the message: "The specified parameter is not valid in getSecondOffset".
I use OgreAL from revision 115 of SVN and openal-0.0.9-0.15.20060204cvs of Fedora 9. I built Ogre 1.4.9.
I traced a little bit ./Directional in Sound::getSecondOffset() and found that mSource is set to 16385 (is it normal?). alGetSourcef() fails and set offset to something like 3.99745221e-34.
Full Ogre log:
17:00:51: Creating resource group General
17:00:51: Creating resource group Internal
17:00:51: Creating resource group Autodetect
17:00:51: SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
17:00:51: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
17:00:51: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
17:00:51: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
17:00:51: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
17:00:51: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
17:00:51: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
17:00:51: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
17:00:51: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
17:00:51: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
17:00:51: FreeImage version: 3.10.0
17:00:51: This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See for details
17:00:51: Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2
17:00:51: DDS codec registering
17:00:51: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
17:00:51: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
17:00:51: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
17:00:51: Loading library /local/soft/ogre/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL
17:00:51: Installing plugin: GL RenderSystem
17:00:51: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
17:00:51: Plugin successfully installed
17:00:51: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
17:00:51: *-*-* Version 1.4.9 (Eihort)
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Audio' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Gui' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Materials/Scripts' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Materials/Textures' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Models' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Materials/Textures/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Added resource location '../../Demos/Media/Materials/' of type 'Zip' to resource group 'General'
17:00:51: Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
17:00:51: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
17:00:51: Parsing scripts for resource group General
17:00:51: Parsing script Ogre.material
17:00:51: Parsing script Civic.material
17:00:51: Parsing script Scene.material
17:00:51: Parsing script Tower.material
17:00:51: Parsing script bgui.material
17:00:51: Parsing script Arial.fontdef
17:00:51: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
17:00:51: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
17:00:51: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
17:00:51: CPU Identifier & Features
17:00:51: -------------------------
17:00:51: * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T7600 @ 2.33GHz
17:00:51: * SSE: yes
17:00:51: * SSE2: yes
17:00:51: * SSE3: yes
17:00:51: * MMX: yes
17:00:51: * MMXEXT: yes
17:00:51: * 3DNOW: no
17:00:51: * 3DNOWEXT: no
17:00:51: * CMOV: yes
17:00:51: * TSC: yes
17:00:51: * FPU: yes
17:00:51: * PRO: yes
17:00:51: * HT: no
17:00:51: -------------------------
17:00:51: ******************************
*** Starting GLX Subsystem ***
17:00:51: GLRenderSystem::createRenderWindow "Ogre Framework", 800x600 windowed miscParams: FSAA=4 title=Ogre Framework
17:00:51: GLXWindow::create
17:00:51: Parsing miscParams
17:00:51: GLXWindow::create -- FSAA only supported in fullscreen mode
17:00:51: GLXWindow::create -- Best visual is 36
17:00:51: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource GLX_icon.png in resource group General or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 604)
17:00:52: GL_VERSION = 2.1.2 NVIDIA 173.14.09
17:00:52: GL_VENDOR = NVIDIA Corporation
17:00:52: GL_RENDERER = Quadro FX 2500M/PCI/SSE2
17:00:52: GL_EXTENSIONS not displayed, string too long for PVM
17:00:52: ***************************
17:00:52: *** GL Renderer Started ***
17:00:52: ***************************
17:00:52: Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
17:00:52: GLSL support detected
17:00:52: GL: Using GL_EXT_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)
17:00:52: FBO PF_UNKNOWN depth/stencil support: D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:52: FBO PF_R5G6B5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:52: FBO PF_B5G6R5 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:52: FBO PF_R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:52: FBO PF_B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:52: FBO PF_A8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_B8G8R8A8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_A2R10G10B10 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_A2B10G10R10 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_FLOAT16_RGB depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_FLOAT16_RGBA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_FLOAT32_RGB depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_FLOAT32_RGBA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_X8R8G8B8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:53: FBO PF_X8B8G8R8 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:54: FBO PF_SHORT_RGBA depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:54: FBO PF_R3G3B2 depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:54: FBO PF_SHORT_RGB depth/stencil support: D0S0 D16S0 D24S0 D32S0 Packed-D24S8
17:00:54: [GL] : Valid FBO targets not display, string too long for PVM
17:00:54: RenderSystem capabilities
17:00:54: -------------------------
17:00:54: * Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
17:00:54: * Texture blending: yes
17:00:54: * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
17:00:54: * Dot product texture operation: yes
17:00:54: * Cube mapping: yes
17:00:54: * Hardware stencil buffer: yes
17:00:54: - Stencil depth: 8
17:00:54: - Two sided stencil support: yes
17:00:54: - Wrap stencil values: yes
17:00:54: * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
17:00:54: * Vertex programs: yes
17:00:54: - Max vertex program version: vp40
17:00:54: * Fragment programs: yes
17:00:54: - Max fragment program version: fp40
17:00:54: * Texture Compression: yes
17:00:54: - DXT: yes
17:00:54: - VTC: yes
17:00:54: * Scissor Rectangle: yes
17:00:54: * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
17:00:54: * User clip planes: yes
17:00:54: * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
17:00:54: * Infinite far plane projection: yes
17:00:54: * Hardware render-to-texture: yes
17:00:54: * Floating point textures: yes
17:00:54: * Non-power-of-two textures: yes
17:00:54: * Volume textures: yes
17:00:54: * Multiple Render Targets: 4
17:00:54: * Point Sprites: yes
17:00:54: * Extended point parameters: yes
17:00:54: * Max Point Size: 63.375
17:00:54: * Vertex texture fetch: yes
17:00:54: - Max vertex textures: 4
17:00:54: - Vertex textures shared: yes
17:00:54: Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
17:00:54: ResourceBackgroundQueue - threading disabled
17:00:54: Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
17:00:54: Creating viewport on target 'Ogre Framework', rendering from camera 'SimpleCamera', relative dimensions L: 0.00 T: 0.00 W: 1.00 H: 1.00 ZOrder: 0
17:00:54: *-*-* OgreAL Initialization
17:00:54: MovableObjectFactory for type 'OgreAL_Sound' registered.
17:00:54: MovableObjectFactory for type 'OgreAL_Listener' registered.
17:00:54: *-*-* Creating OpenAL
17:00:54: OpenAL Version: 1.0
17:00:54: Choosing:
17:00:54: Supported Formats
17:00:54: -----------------
17:00:54: Texture: cloudy_noon_fr.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 9 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
17:00:54: Texture: cloudy_noon_bk.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 9 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
17:00:54: Texture: cloudy_noon_lf.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 9 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
17:00:54: Texture: cloudy_noon_rt.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 9 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
17:00:54: Texture: cloudy_noon_up.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 9 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
17:00:54: Texture: cloudy_noon_dn.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,512x512x1) with 9 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,512x512x1.
17:00:54: Mesh: Loading Tower.mesh.
17:00:54: Texture: Tower.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,1024x1024x1) with 10 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,1024x1024x1.
17:00:54: Mesh: Loading Horn.mesh.
17:00:54: Texture: dirt-grass.jpg: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 8 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
17:00:54: Font Arialusing texture size 512x256
17:00:54: Info: Freetype returned null for character 160 in font Arial
17:00:54: Texture: ArialTexture: Loading 1 faces(PF_BYTE_LA,512x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_BYTE_LA,512x256x1.
17:00:58: OGRE EXCEPTION(40962:): Failed to set Looping: OpenAL Error: The specified parameter is not valid in getSecondOffset
17:00:58: *-*-* OgreAL Shutdown
17:00:58: *-*-* Releasing OpenAL
17:00:58: *-*-* OGRE Shutdown
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Compositor
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
17:00:58: Uninstalling plugin: GL RenderSystem
17:00:58: Render Target 'Ogre Framework' Average FPS: 1187.51 Best FPS: 1300.7 Worst FPS: 999
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
17:00:58: ******************************
*** Stopping GLX Subsystem ***
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Texture
17:00:58: Plugin successfully uninstalled
17:00:58: Unloading library /local/soft/ogre/lib/OGRE/RenderSystem_GL
17:00:58: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Material
24-06-2008 12:21:47
You don't appear to have any supported formats? looks like something hardware/driver related in your systems setup maybe...
24-06-2008 13:31:15
You don't appear to have any supported formats? looks like something hardware/driver related in your systems setup maybe...
Are you talking about this line :
"GL_EXTENSIONS not displayed, string too long for PVM"?
I have disabled the display of GL extensions because the string is too long to pass through buffers of PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine).
24-06-2008 13:52:57
No, I'm talking about the OgreAL formats:Choosing:
17:00:54: Supported Formats
17:00:54: -----------------
There should be a whole list of formats supported there but there isn't, for example my log file shows:OpenAL Version: 1.1
16:57:00: Available Devices
16:57:00: -----------------
16:57:01: * Generic Hardware
16:57:01: * Generic Software
16:57:01: Choosing: Generic Hardware
16:57:01: Supported Formats
16:57:01: -----------------
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_MONO16, Monophonic Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, Stereo Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_QUAD16, 4 Channel Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_51CHN16, 5.1 Surround Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_61CHN16, 6.1 Surround Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_71CHN16, 7.1 Surround Sound
16:57:01: EAX 2.0 Detected
16:57:01: EFX Extension Found
Also noticed your OpenAL version is 1.0 where as mine is 1.1....??
24-06-2008 14:19:53
No, I'm talking about the OgreAL formats:Choosing:
17:00:54: Supported Formats
17:00:54: -----------------
There should be a whole list of formats supported there but there isn't, for example my log file shows:OpenAL Version: 1.1
16:57:00: Available Devices
16:57:00: -----------------
16:57:01: * Generic Hardware
16:57:01: * Generic Software
16:57:01: Choosing: Generic Hardware
16:57:01: Supported Formats
16:57:01: -----------------
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_MONO16, Monophonic Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, Stereo Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_QUAD16, 4 Channel Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_51CHN16, 5.1 Surround Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_61CHN16, 6.1 Surround Sound
16:57:01: * AL_FORMAT_71CHN16, 7.1 Surround Sound
16:57:01: EAX 2.0 Detected
16:57:01: EFX Extension Found
Also noticed your OpenAL version is 1.0 where as mine is 1.1....??
The last OpenAL version seems to be 0.0.8 :
I do not understand why I do not have any supported audio hardware. I use Pulseaudio, is it related? I will investigate...
24-06-2008 15:57:34
Ok, now all works!
OpenAL source tarballs are too old so I grabbed sources from SVN and I installed SDL_Sound backend of my Fedora. Then I rebuilt OgreAL.
Thanks for your help.
24-06-2008 15:58:43
Okay cool
09-08-2008 14:00:43
If you used the TortoiseSVN instructions then you got the latest. If you want to verify you can do an svn update and it should tell you what revision it's at. It should be at revision 113.
Thanks CaseyB! I have resolved the Demo problem. It is due to the resources in the media folder... 
tlc,I meet the same problem with you .And I have been suffering this problem for a long time. Glad to hear you have configed it out .
Could you share the experience with me ? TKS .