20-02-2007 00:24:45
What is the outter/inner cone properties, and how does it affect the sound?
Being able to set the max and min gain, why would you need this when you can set the gain? Are there other functions that manipulate gain?
20-02-2007 00:51:53
What is the outter/inner cone properties, and how does it affect the sound?
These are for directional sounds. Picture a sound like a flashlight. The inner cone is where the sounds is the loudest, then it fades to the gain of the outer cone.
Being able to set the max and min gain, why would you need this when you can set the gain? Are there other functions that manipulate gain?
This is because there are two gain controls, there is one per sound and then a global gain control in the SoundManager. If you have a sound whose gain you don't want to go out side of a certain region you can set these variables.
20-02-2007 16:29:14
20-02-2007 19:23:12
Maybe it's slightly out of date?
Nope, it's up to date, it just looks like I forgot to add that in!
21-02-2007 04:59:36
Turns out it's a property of the Listener, so now there is a Listener::getGain() and a Listener::setGain() in SVN.