ogreAL and filters


24-03-2007 22:36:50

hi everone!

i'm currently working on a gameproject with 2 friends for university.
right now at the very beginning...
i successfully set up ogreAL and played around with it a little.

as i'm very interested in creating cool soundeffects and musicstuff, with is
very important in a game i think, i would really like to add effects and filters like reverb, distortion or phaser (e.g. if you are standing in a church, reverb would help being authentic).

now i would like to know, if there is the possibility to do so.
is there a way to filter sounds in an easy way?
how can i resolve that "problem"?

i'm not a hardcore programmer, so i'm really very happy to use ogreAL.
it's really easy and cool! grats!

please help me out

greetz, kampfgnu


01-04-2007 16:54:16

well...openAL effects extension can do this.
but right now i don't know how to integrate it.

i wonder if anyone else uses this extension?

anyway...i hope i can tell you about any progress later on...
see ya!


02-04-2007 02:19:33

If possible I would like to include something like this in my scripts extension, but I don't have the fuzziest idea where to begin. If anyone else has any recommendations or pre-written code I may take a look at, it'd be muchly appreciated. And, as always, patches are welcome! :)


02-04-2007 06:10:41

Those kind of things are actually in the EFX extension to OpenAL, not in OpenAL itself. In order to use those type of effects you can include the headers and libs in your projects and make calls into the EFX libraries just like you would if you were using it without OgreAL. Wrapping this extension is on the list of things to get done for the next release, but there are other things a bit higher on that list.