Exception when demo applications end.


04-11-2007 09:00:39

I just got OgreAL from svn and built it by myself. I find there are two exceptions at demo ends,
1) If sound is not stopped, there will be an exception, to fix this,

if( isPlaying() )


2) There is another excption after alcCloseDevice is called, to fix this,

ALCboolean b = alcCloseDevice(mDevice);
CheckCondition((ALC_TRUE == b), 0, "Failed to close Device");
//CheckError(alcGetError(mDevice), "Failed to close Device");

My environment, Windows vista home basic, Visual Studio 2005 sp1.


04-11-2007 15:53:23

Thank you very much. I have put fixes for these in as well as a couple of other things.

You can see what's been updated here: [u]OgreAL Update Thread[/u]


05-11-2007 01:54:20

Thank you very much. I have put fixes for these in as well as a couple of other things.

You can see what's been updated here: [u]OgreAL Update Thread[/u]

Great! Your feadback is in time. Very glad to see OgreAL is getting better. :D