04-11-2007 09:00:39
I just got OgreAL from svn and built it by myself. I find there are two exceptions at demo ends,
1) If sound is not stopped, there will be an exception, to fix this,
2) There is another excption after alcCloseDevice is called, to fix this,
My environment, Windows vista home basic, Visual Studio 2005 sp1.
1) If sound is not stopped, there will be an exception, to fix this,
if( isPlaying() )
2) There is another excption after alcCloseDevice is called, to fix this,
ALCboolean b = alcCloseDevice(mDevice);
CheckCondition((ALC_TRUE == b), 0, "Failed to close Device");
//CheckError(alcGetError(mDevice), "Failed to close Device");
My environment, Windows vista home basic, Visual Studio 2005 sp1.