08-11-2007 12:36:07
Hey Sorry im back :<
I've created sounds for all my bugs<vechiles> in my game, though i get a crash when i try create another instance of an already created sound.
so like i create a grasshopper motor noise because player 1 wants to be a grashopper, then i try and create another grass hopper noise because player 2 wants to be a grasshopper too, and thats when it crashes.
My Code:
Crashes in Here:
on this line of code
is mBuffers an array? seems to be just a typedef int.
p.s Cant wait to show you guys some of the sound tracks we have, they are pretty awesome, made by my artist who has created music for television commercials like Lexus in Australia.
I've created sounds for all my bugs<vechiles> in my game, though i get a crash when i try create another instance of an already created sound.
so like i create a grasshopper motor noise because player 1 wants to be a grashopper, then i try and create another grass hopper noise because player 2 wants to be a grasshopper too, and thats when it crashes.
My Code:
mBugSounds[itrBugSoundStart->first] = OgreAL::SoundManager::getSingletonPtr()->createSound(itrBugSoundStart->first + mUniqueID, itrBugSoundStart->second, true);
Crashes in Here:
Sound::Sound(BufferRef buffer, const Ogre::String& name, const Ogre::String& fileName, bool loop)
on this line of code
mBuffers[0] = buffer;
is mBuffers an array? seems to be just a typedef int.
p.s Cant wait to show you guys some of the sound tracks we have, they are pretty awesome, made by my artist who has created music for television commercials like Lexus in Australia.