Translating a kinetic plane with boxes on top.


20-08-2010 14:46:27

Hi, ive been trying to learn bullet and ogrebullet for some days. I can set up some rigid bodies on the top of a plane, but now i would like to move the plane (rotation or translation) to create some kind of puzzle involiving physics.

I set the plane as a kinematic object like this.


and then use translate to move the plane:
defaultPlaneBody->getBulletRigidBody()->translate(btVector3(0.02, 0.02, 0.02));
(some example values, the idea is the user can control the plane)

The problem i get is the boxes on the top jump becouse the plane collide with them, or dont move if i translate the plane only in X-Z direction. The behaviour is ok if i lower the plane though.

What is the best way to achieve this? I would like to tell the physics engine, that the position im giving is the last position, but he has to move the plane step by step...

Thanks in advance


20-08-2010 15:04:54

I think i don't understood your question so right,

why you using kinematic objects for a sample box? Did you try with A rigid body with a simple collision shape?


20-08-2010 15:49:06

Sorry, but english is not my main language. Ill try to keep it simple:

What i want is to raise the plane like an elevator, and the boxes above the plane should go up with it. Now every frame i move the plane, but the boxes jump becouse the plane moves instantaneously.


20-08-2010 20:36:14

in your update method (frameStarted or something) you will need to move the plane slowly, in frame started you have a float the timeSinceLastFrame, multiply this for a small number until it reach the destination