[Solved] OgreBullet Linkage Error


29-08-2010 20:16:24


I recently started to interest myself in physics engines. So I downloaded Bullet and OgreBullet. Since I mainly use VS2010 for development I have also VS2008 Express installed because I have bad expierences with converting VS2008 projects to VS2010. Therefore I used
VS2008 Express to build both, Bullet and OgreBullet. So far so good. Then I started to implement OgreBullet into my project and added the basic code from the first tutorial.
I tried to build it but several linker errors appeared:

unresolved external symbol "_declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall std::_Container_base_secure::_Orphan_all(void) const" (__imp_?_Orphan_all@std@QBEXXZ)

As soon as I right click the message to copy it VS2010 crashes so I can't show you all the errors.
I'm sure that I have added all the Bullet and OgreBullet libs so the problem must have another origin.

Is it possible that VS2008 static libraries are incompatible with VS2010? (I have no experiences with that kind of problem :oops: )

EDIT: Okay I finally managed to convert and build it with VS2010 and the problems disappeared.