btConvexHull question


23-10-2011 10:31:19

Hello. I am trying to make a mesh into a bullet shape with this code first.

btVector3 verts[4];

verts[0] = btVector3(mW[k2].x+0, 5 ,mW[k2].y +0); //<-------mW = mouse positions plus offset.
verts[1] = btVector3(mW[k2].x+0, 5 ,mW[k2].y-10);
verts[2] = btVector3(mW[k2].x-20, -5 ,mW[k2].y-10);
verts[3] = btVector3(mW[k2].x-20, -5 ,mW[k2].y -0);

btConvexHullShape * shape = new btConvexHullShape();

//add the points to the shape
for ( int ii=0; ii<4; ++ii ){
shape->addPoint( verts[ii] );

btTransform groundTransform11;

groundTransform11.setOrigin(btVector3(BtOgre::Convert::toBullet( mW[k2] + Ogre::Vector3( 0,6,0 ) )));
btScalar mass1( 0.0 );
//bool isDynamic1 = ( mass1 != 0.f );

btVector3 localInertia1( 0,0,0 );
//if ( isDynamic1 )
//mGroundShape->calculateLocalInertia( mass1,localInertia );

MyMotionState* motionState11 = new MyMotionState( groundTransform11,rampNode[k2] );
btRigidBody::btRigidBodyConstructionInfo rbInfo1( mass1,motionState11,shape,localInertia1 );
body7[0] = new btRigidBody( rbInfo1 );
body7[0]->setFriction( 0.1f );
//body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_KINEMATIC_OBJECT); // It should be kinematic
body7[0]->setActivationState(DISABLE_DEACTIVATION); //It should do it's job each and every frame
//add the body to the dynamics world
//errror source of access violation called before initializd
// rampNode[k2] ->setPosition(mW[k2] + Ogre::Vector3( 0,0,0 ));



the shape does not show up.