

28-10-2008 21:29:28

Anyone knows how we can use this? It's on the wiki but it's not explained how it's supposed to be used.



30-10-2008 13:15:47

Very interesting find.

It's a btMeshStrider interface wrapper for an Ogre Mesh object. From the API docs you can use a btMeshStrider as a collision volume. This is useful if your geometry is too complicated for the primative shapes.

I have no idea how well it works on animated objects, though I suspect the answer is "not at all" when it comes to hardware skinning.


30-10-2008 17:25:51

It's for sharing vertices between graphics and physics. It doesn't work for animations at all, since Bullet has an AABB-hierarchy structure for mesh objects (for efficient collision detection) - you'd have to rebuild it every frame. So it's for static geometry.