QuickGUI 10.1
12-01-2010 21:45:04
13-01-2010 22:31:44
Yey, just in time for Ogre 1.7 to go official, lol!
05-03-2010 14:24:22
Anyone can give me a copy of the zip? The download link doesn't work.
05-03-2010 15:01:58
The link became alive for a minute and I successfully downloaded it
If anyone need it, I made a mirror
thanks for the job!
I'm fighting with the editor now
let's see what happens
21-04-2010 22:13:14
I am trying to make a sheet using the QuickGUIEditor. However, I cannot find where it saves the file. It does not write anything to my working directory and I searched on the harddrive for the file. Any ideas?
22-04-2010 20:55:13
Unfortunately the Editor is not complete. I haven't been working on it lately, focusing on other projects. Right now you have to create GUI layouts in code.
23-04-2010 23:17:14
Hi it had been past 1 month i have been using quickgui for my project. It has been a gud experience, but i am facing a problem with one thing in this i am not been able to close the window widget by clicking a button with an event handler added to it
25-04-2010 16:43:09
Can you paste up your code so I can try to repro?
26-04-2010 15:52:21
what i am trying to do is actually closing a window widget by clicking a button rather than clicking the cross mark
i am creating a window for quit button with text "are you sure to exit" on clicking "no" it should close the window and go to the original sheet but i cudnt do tht cud u explain hw to do tht
26-04-2010 20:26:28
Do you want to hide the window, or destroy it?
27-04-2010 19:19:03
for the time being i can use that setVisible one but what if i want to close the entire frame say as for example take the same one "are you sure to exit" window on clicking yes it should close the entire frame is tht possible if tht how can i
27-04-2010 21:27:33
Have you tried writing code to do what you want?
Rough pseudo code:
void buttonPressed(const EventArgs& args)
Widget* w = static_cast<const WidgetEventArgs&>(args).widget;
Window* window = w->getWindow();
28-04-2010 15:44:53
i have done tht its working on clicking "NO"
what about my previous question which if click "YES" it should close the entire frame
and the other thing is how can i create a window without a tool bar
28-04-2010 18:54:19
What do you mean by closing the entire frame?
For second question, try this:
WindowDesc* wd = DescManager::getSingletonPtr()->getDefaultWindowDesc();
wd->window_titleBar = false;
Window* myWindow = mySheet->createWindow(wd);
28-04-2010 22:15:28
i have tried your suggestion wht provides me is it is just making my contents in the sheet invisible or to be precise it is rather making my sheet invisible its not the way i want, i want it this way on clicking "yes" it should close entire frame ie the ogre rendering window in which we actually able to see our sheets and which can be closed by pressing "ESC" i don't want to be it in that way i just want it the other way by clicking "YES" button the entire rendering frame of ogre should be closed is tht possible.
29-04-2010 18:06:07
thnx i got tht one
30-04-2010 23:34:56
Sorry for late response, wasn't feeling well yesterday. QuickGUI cannot control your Ogre RenderWindow. What you would have to do is create a design where you can queue up a message for your RenderWindow to be closed, and then after processing the event handler for quitting, read the message and close the window. You could also destroy your RenderWindow immediately, but you have to make sure the event handler will not get destroyed during execution.
For example, this is a bad situation:
- handle button click to close app
---make a call to destroy render window and clean up classes
---return from handler
If your handler is defined in a function/class that is destroyed, the "return from handler" will fail on execution, because the instance of the object supplying the function no longer exists!
Either way, this is out of scope of QuickGUI, but I hope you understand how you can do what you want.
05-05-2010 19:53:12
i just wanna to know the other thing for example if i am running a mini game inside n i have created a tool bar for tht in that if i have created a pause submenu n this should actually pause the game would tht be possible if yes could u help me sort it out
06-05-2010 14:16:58
can u explain me how can i render a window with some text on it and without a title bar
06-05-2010 23:54:08
Pausing the game is not related to QuickGUI, thats your own logic loop.
As for creating a Window without a titlebar and some text, you can do it like this:
WindowDesc* wd = DescManager::getSingletonPtr()->getDefaultWindowDesc();
wd->window_titleBar = false;
Window* myWindow = mySheet->createWindow(wd);
Label* myLabel = myWindow->createLabel();
myLabel->setText("Some Text");
04-06-2010 16:30:52
Is it still compatible with Ogre 1.6, or is it definitively necessary to use another version ?
04-06-2010 18:24:50
Should work with 1.6 just fine, although I haven't tried recently. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work, unless its something minor. If you run into any errors you can post them, should be an easy fix.
22-07-2010 06:47:03
The link became alive for a minute and I successfully downloaded it
If anyone need it, I made a mirror here.
Thanks for the mirror, the link at the top still isn't working.
22-07-2010 17:14:05
I was hoping not to have any downtime, but there wasn't any overlap in service when I changed webhosts. Tonight I'll upload 10.1 onto the site again. Also for anybody who is interested, I will probably have a preview of qgui2 up in 2 weeks, along with a wiki tutorial for integration.
22-07-2010 20:29:03
KFM neglected to mention that it's shaping up to be quite awesome!
23-07-2010 22:45:59
Tried to download the latest version. Binary link is dead (404 Not Found)
SVN checkout doesn't work.
OPTIONS of 'http://stormsonggames.com/svn/SSE/QuickGUI': authorization failed:
Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge (http://stormsonggames.com)
Would be nice if this could get fixed.
26-07-2010 18:56:07
I switched SVN repos. I'll restore the SVN account used for reading, hopefully tonight. Although if you grab from SVN you'll have to heavily rely on the QuickGUIOgreDemo application to figure out how to integrate the new QuickGUI with your project. I will put up a tutorial when I'm ready to put out a release, but the current widget set is very basic: Window/TitleBar/Label/Button/Graphic (used to be called Image, but there is now an Image class that is not a widget).
I'm in the process of changing the underlying data system right now so things will be very chaotic for the next week.
09-12-2010 16:37:29
The wiki links in the first post are all missing.
10-12-2010 12:11:39
Yah, 10.8 is the current release, however it doesn't yet have the same widget set as 10.1.
Sorry for my absence from these forums, I've been working on an XNA game for Windows Phone 7.
I'd like to thank Calder and Stardragon for helping out on the forums. I've been focusing all my extra energy on writing a game, and I'm starting to get rusty with C++.