Integrating layout editor


29-11-2009 20:27:19


I want a layout editor in my editor environment. Instead of writing my own I'd like to integrate the existing mygui layout editor. The question is if the license allows me to? Of course I need to do some modifications to fit in my application. But generally the existing code can stay intact, I hope at least..

The other thing is. If I'm allowed to integrate the editor, what part of the project do you think I have to alter? I'd prefer not to dive in so deeply in the code in order to save time, which is the reason I wanted to use existing editor in the first place. I guess I just basically have to supply a viewport, input and resource loading? What files should I look at?


30-11-2009 10:58:03

GUI (i.e. all files in MyGUIEngine folder) licensed under LGPL. All other sources licensed under MIT license. So feel free to integrate layout editor into your project.

what part of the project do you think I have to alter?Both me and don't even understand what do you want to change in editor, so I can't answer.


30-11-2009 20:42:23

Both me and don't even understand what do you want to change in editor, so I can't answer.

I want to seperate the viewport which is the "workarea" where you draw you widgets, from the viewport you have the panels (property panel, widget panel etc.). In other words, I just want to place the visual stuff differently. I have a viewport where my editor gui is rendered. And then I have a viewport where the scene is rendered, I want the user to draw his layout in the scene-render-viewport.