27-04-2006 17:09:49
here a pic
I use Fresnel for the water from the example but when i make the texture backface culling is active i must turn it off for the RTT pass i have tried in the material it dont work and my question how can i manage this to get correct reflections.
tuan kuranes
28-04-2006 07:43:27
backface culling is active by default in Demo_fresnel and PLSM2.
Why would you need a change ?
It doesn't work by default ?
(a clearer screenshot exposing the problem could help there)
28-04-2006 09:17:46
The Problem is that the terrain reflection is not coorect on the fresnel plane i make screenshot in the afternoon for better unterstanding my problem thx
03-05-2006 12:28:08
i use splatting material 5
tuan kuranes
03-05-2006 13:09:36
seems that the camera isn't usigng a reflection point of view to me.
Make sure the ReflectionTextureListener::preRenderTargetUpdate do call Camera::enableReflection(Plane *p).
03-05-2006 13:29:23
void ReflectionTextureListener::preRenderTargetUpdate(const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent& evt)
// Hide plane and objects below the water
TEntityVector::iterator i, iend;
iend = m_pFresnelMan->getBelowWater()->end();
for (i = m_pFresnelMan->getBelowWater()->begin(); i != iend; ++i)
void ReflectionTextureListener::postRenderTargetUpdate(const Ogre::RenderTargetEvent& evt)
// Show plane and objects below the water
TEntityVector::iterator i, iend;
iend = m_pFresnelMan->getBelowWater()->end();
for (i = m_pFresnelMan->getBelowWater()->begin(); i != iend; ++i)
No i make it the same way like in the demo with listener.
tuan kuranes
03-05-2006 13:47:27
does it actually call that method (put a breakpoint, a printf, etc...)
03-05-2006 13:54:11
Yep i have set a breakpoint and the function is called i dont understand the problem i have tryed to deactive culling in the material script but this gives a bad result
tuan kuranes
03-05-2006 14:07:08
BackFace culling isn't the problem.
Problem is the camera point of view when rendering reflection is False.
When rendering reflection on water camera is just positionned on water looking at right angle from pow, and from there, there is no culling problem.
Perhaps the plane parameter you give in "enablereflection" is false. (particularly its "d" parameter)
03-05-2006 17:03:57
m_pReflectionPlane.normal = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y;
m_pReflectionPlane.d = 0;
So i tryed to set d to 1 but this doesnt matter
tuan kuranes
03-05-2006 17:31:26
shouldn't the last parameter be Vector3::UNIT_Y
03-05-2006 18:03:36
If i set the up vector to Ythen i have to change the normal vector from the plane because normal vector and upvector are not allwoed to be paralell.
tuan kuranes
04-05-2006 15:04:26
cannot reproduce the bug...
If you can wait for it, I'll very soon release a plsm2_water demo in CVS and with plsm2 SDK.
11-10-2006 16:43:54
Couldn't it be the mCamera->setNearClipDistance too high? tha camera from the water point of view don't render some polygon too close from the camera?