29-04-2006 21:23:18
Compiling the PLSM2 map editor fails (for me) for several reasons. One is because MapEditor requires libnoise from http://users.skynet.be/bk324186/Libnoise.rar instead of from the actual libnoise sourceforge project at http://libnoise.sourceforge.net/
Was this done as a time-saving step, because of this page? I was kind of surprised to find it wasn't just "lib noise" that I needed, but also "libnoise utils". available from here.
The reason I bring it up, is I'm looking over the PLSM2 To-Do list and want to help out on a couple of those topics. Maybe the first thing I should help out on is improving the documentation.
Was this done as a time-saving step, because of this page? I was kind of surprised to find it wasn't just "lib noise" that I needed, but also "libnoise utils". available from here.
The reason I bring it up, is I'm looking over the PLSM2 To-Do list and want to help out on a couple of those topics. Maybe the first thing I should help out on is improving the documentation.