Can You Post CVS Sources?
12-05-2006 13:34:16
Can you post a cvs snapshot aslong the anon. cvs is out of sync.
by the way here is a small
[color=blue]Movie [/color] its recorded with fraps but 60Fps mode it is a little bit to fast bute i use the PLS2M
tuan kuranes
12-05-2006 16:14:52
12-05-2006 16:27:48
Thx for the Snapshot
I plan to release the leveleditor as free the editor writes the levelformat as xml and can import osm levels as well...
When the time come i will post it with all features in there
the only reason i was write this editor is that ofusion doesnt support plsm2 at this time and now i have to say i work with my own editor very well ^^
The Project is a sort of rpg but at this time i work on the framework with a friend...
The only Problem/Bug at the moment is the fresnel water i upgraded to dagon final and i will try the new cvs snapshot maybe thefresnel will work..
12-05-2006 18:45:53
Wolfmanx, why aren't we collaborating together on a single editor? I'm working on one too
12-05-2006 19:41:44
The Idea sounds good is there some where a cvs to take look at the GOOF editor?
And which features could i contribute to GOOF?
12-05-2006 20:37:16
I'll get the source to you and instruction on how to compile within the next two days.
12-05-2006 23:58:40
I will look forward for it
and hope we can speedup things
13-05-2006 05:13:19
Groovie video!
This sounds great, and now that Occulis is also in on it, maybe GOOF will arrive near my computer some day?
13-05-2006 14:53:20
*perks ears up*
14-05-2006 07:11:56
Occulis, wolfmanx, etc. I'm putting together the source and instructions as we speak. To do this I'm getting a fresh version of ogrenew and ogreaddons and walking through the process myself and documenting.
ATM it's 2 am so I'm not going to get this finished tonite, so it should be ready tomorrow night I think.
As you probably know I'm still doing a LOT of heavy development to get this thing in shape for a real release, but I'm always willing to share whatever I have at any point.
I'd love to check it into CVS soon and start working out of there as well, even in its current state.
I'll post a list of things I'd like to get fixed/working/added to the systems in a couple days as well. Any of these things you can help out on would be wonderful.
I need to document the whole thing - there are comments in the code but it'd be good to have an overview of how all the systems interact. There's a lot of code here
14-05-2006 07:39:46
Crap, getting a compile error on latest PLM2 from addons.
Anyone else?
error C2614: 'Ogre::PagingLandScapeRenderableSet' : illegal member initialization: 'PoolSet' is not a base or member
14-05-2006 07:42:07
Fixed it manually by changing constructor to:
From PoolSet() to PoolSet<PagingLandScapeRenderable>() line 46 in OgrePagingLandscapeRenderableManager.cpp
14-05-2006 12:43:43
What we need is a svn server
@ to work proper with each other...
[edit]: Forget i will open a new svn module tonight at our svn server for the goof editor i will post server name and pm yourusernames and passes later we can add anoym. access. I hope u like this idea?
[edit]: you got a pm
14-05-2006 16:59:34
Wow, that's great!
Is your SVN server pretty stable and up most of the time?
14-05-2006 17:02:14
Also i use it the last 3 months and have heavy transfer and it is up all the time
...very very stable last 3months zero downtimes
14-05-2006 21:27:22
Cool. I might upload it to the SVN server tonite, but for the moment I've zipped it up and put it on my server instead. I don't have SVN installed on laptop, and I have to go right now so I'll be back online tonite.
Download from
20 mbs, still uploading will be about 5 to 10 mins.
Get PLM2 working following instructions in Wiki.
Download OIS 0.6 from here ... _id=149835 and extract
Add the includes and lib folder for OIS to your global include and lib directories by going Tools->Options->Projects VC++ Directories and add
Includes: ois_0-6-0\ois\includes
Libraries: ois_0-6-0\ois\lib
Add the OIS vcproj to your project (ogre.sln for example)
Extract and copy folders over existing folders. For example, you'll find a Samples folder, overwrite your exising ogrenew\Samples folder. Note: this will overwrite plugins.cfg, resources.cfg, and paginglandscape.cfg so back them up first if you want to.
Add Samples\MapEditor\Scripts\MapEditor.vcproj to your solution
Change working directory of MapEditor under Project Settings Debugging to ..\..\Common\Bin\Debug
Add Samples\MapEditor\OPCODE\Opcode.vcproj to our solution
Set OIS and Opcode as dependencies for the MapEditor project
Modify MapUtil.cpp line 231 from this (I need to submit a patch to Tuan for this eventually)
#ifndef _MAPEDITOR
to this:
#ifndef _MAPEDITOR
Compile and run!
15-05-2006 03:18:56
I may have missed this:
In MapUtil.cpp setMapColoring function line 454 before the loops add:
15-05-2006 05:42:48
looks great now i have to go to the uni later this day i make thr project an upload it to the svn
15-05-2006 05:57:51
I'm uploading it to SVN now.
I've also made some additions tonite so I suggest you get the version from there. I deleted all the CVS folders so it wouldn't be confusing now that it's in SVN.
For those interested, wolfmanx has set up an SVN server and given occulis and I access to the server. We'll provide anon access some time soon, and in the meantime feel free to download the zip file off my site instead.
The fixes I made were to update to a new version of Opcode that supports scaling without modifying the original mesh. This code was done by Gilvan, and I've been meaning to update to this version for a long time. This will fix problems with the rotation handles in the RotationManipulator being hard to grab.
I've included Opcode 1.3.2 in SVN. I also fixed a bug where the default manipulator wasn't being set correctly on startup so you always had to click the "move" button - otherwise the move handles weren't allowing you to drag the object.
Please let me know if you have any issues.
tuan kuranes
15-05-2006 13:39:52
From PoolSet() to PoolSet<PagingLandScapeRenderable>() line 46 in OgrePagingLandscapeRenderableManager.cpp
Modify MapUtil.cpp line 231 from this (I need to submit a patch to Tuan for this eventually)
In MapUtil.cpp setMapColoring function line 454 before the loops add:
In CVS now, soon in plsm2 SDK.
15-05-2006 17:23:25
Can u add me to ur ICQ list 83480010
Related to the project i will set up so that we only need to set OGRE_SRC variblecause it would be a pain for each user how want to compile it and the source is mor indepent normaly i also add the actuell Includes and libs from ogre so that each user use the same codebase what do u think about this?
And i will add now VC8 Sln.
15-05-2006 17:36:40
If you want to use an environment variable, okay, but if it becomes painful then we'll take it back out. (None of the other OgreAddons do it that way).
What do you mean by you added the actual includes and libs from Ogre? They were already there weren't they, but relative from the project assuming it was installed in Samples. Perhaps you've added $(OGRE_SRC)\include or something.
15-05-2006 17:42:38
Yep i know that but i normal checkin a project in the svn as a complete package without any dep. outside.
Normaly i submit OgreMain\include OgreMain\lib and build the dlls and pack the in a bin dir so that each member work on the same codebase i know it would be a pain to download it all but so noone works on a differnt codebase. But we can make it differnt
the benefit from my version is you have not to write a compile tutorial the counterside is the huge size
15-05-2006 17:53:49
Ah, yes, I like doing that too sometimes. However, I'm not sure in this case.
How will we manage the fact that the PLM2 will be getting updated constantly and we'll want those changes integrated into our SVN?
15-05-2006 17:58:03
Mmm i manage it so that one man manage this updates i mean he compiles the whole stuff then chekin the binarys and lib and includes but that way only one man update an compile it the other way each person have to update recompile the whole stuff.
If u like this idea i will make the whole stuff an check it in to night
(on wed. i have exampe in VR thats why i have spare time until wed. this week
15-05-2006 18:02:28
Okay, fine lets give it a shot that way. Take a look at the GOOF source and let me know what you think.
Each top level folder in the project is eventually going to be broken out into its own project and compiled into a DLL.
15-05-2006 20:41:18
Wish I had more to contribute but I'm on hour 5 of step 1: Get PLSM2 working under Ogre 1.2. It is not buggy or anything, it is just an arduous process.
One of my personal tasks is "Clean up PLSM2 Wiki" for Ogre3D. I'd also like to make some educated recommendations about the distribution, so that people can simply download, compile and run.
15-05-2006 21:29:06
Hour 5?
I assume you're able to compile it but are having problems running it?
Feel free to skip getting it working and try with my data, since I know it works. My paginglandscape2.cfg works with the sample terrain I included in my Samples\Media\paginglandscape2\terrains folder.
15-05-2006 22:26:21
@Occulis, Falagard
Checkout the svn in 15 minutes iam uploading all the stuff everything works no need anymore try to get it work ^^
15-05-2006 22:51:17
What wolfmanx means is that he's putting up all sources and dependencies that will work out of the box. It includes Ogre, PLM2, GOOF, OIS, etc.
16-05-2006 02:13:09
wolfmanx, please check your PM messages. I've sent you a message - I think we need to do some reworking of the SVN repository.
16-05-2006 19:16:09
I'm in the middle of redoing the whole repository, and while I'm at it cleaning up alot of stuff I've been meaning to do for a long time.
I expect that I'll get finished this late tonite, but it could take until tomorrow. In the meantime the SVN repo is going to be in flux.
17-05-2006 07:51:30
I'm almost finished setting up the new stuff, however I need a couple more hours and it's 2:30 am here so it's going to wait until tomorrow.
I've broken up the GOOF source, which was originally in one project, into the different projects that I've been meaning to do for a long time now. I have them compiling, linking, for those I've completed, but I have a few more projects to go. Some refactoring had to be done in certain places, but nothing too huge.
17-05-2006 08:49:38
Have broked it into dlls(plugins for goof) as u said before?
17-05-2006 16:11:32
Yes, have broken it into dlls, but haven't yet implemented a dynamic plugin loading system using Ogre's DynLib functionality. That'll come soon though.
17-05-2006 21:09:18
Hey guys,
I did a lot of documentation on my troubles attempting (and finally succeeding) the simple PLSM2 demo.
Take a peek and please edit it or help me answer some of those questions I may have gotten wrong.
17-05-2006 22:52:04
Will look at your wiki entry later.
The new sources are going up to the SVN right now, should take about an hour to upload
It's not small, so if you have a dialup connection, well good luck.
18-05-2006 02:17:39
GOOF is now available in SVN. AFAIK the only ones with access are Wolfmanx, occulis, and myself.
I'm checkout out the entire repository to a second location and attempting to compile and run to ensure it is actually working.
The only necessary step prior to compiling is to add to add:
to your global lib directories in VS, and add the Boost directory to global includes. The reason for this is I'm compiling Ogre with threading support and it needs to know where to find the libs.
Please let me know if everything is working for you in DEBUG mode. I haven't tried compiling in release - I need to give that a try still.
It's sitting at about 600 megs, so I'll see what I can do about trimming that down. I'm not checking in anything silly like pdb, pch, ilk, idb, etc. files. A lot of it is media that needs to be cleaned out since it isn't used, but a lot of it is actually necessary as well.
18-05-2006 05:46:22
It's compiling and running under release now. Fixed some bugs. Tried working on impostor code again.
tuan kuranes
18-05-2006 08:33:27
@Occulis: please make a new post so that other can join in. I begun adding information on WIKI. I have questions.
@Falagard: Let us know when public SVN is set and working in a special new post on forum.
18-05-2006 09:51:09
GOOF\GOOFEdPlugins\PagingLandscapeGOOFEdPlugin\src\GOOFPagingLandscapeEditorPlugin.cpp(29): mMorphBrushSize = 0;
should be 10 this was causing the error with 0x0 cause your init state is morph and u set initbrush to 10 but u never set this member varible except in the constructor.
If u want to svn account just say it cause i dont know how long it can be to make the svn to access to the public(reason is that our svn is private and we host other projects there)
Maybe i will setup some website where let generate some nightly builds and sources as tarballs i even dont know it at this time.
18-05-2006 14:25:28
wolfmanx, I thought you said we could set up anon access to your SVN server?
Forget i will open a new svn module tonight at our svn server for the goof editor i will post server name and pm yourusernames and passes later we can add anoym. access. I hope u like this idea?
Otherwise I would have used or berlios or something
18-05-2006 14:51:14
Yep i know what i have said but i doesnt knew that other project member dont like to give public access
to the server...i try to talk again with them later the day....
18-05-2006 21:53:07
I have multiple SVN projects for my team. Some of them are public and read-only, with private write-commit permissions per-user also. It's pretty simple to set up and SVN is just as secure as any other app. If your partner is really worried about having the machine compromised, have him disconnect it from the 'net.
If you need any help setting that up, just say so and I'll post my configs (sans passwords).
19-05-2006 20:47:54
wolfmanx, can you give tuan access to it at least so he can check out the latest version of the editor?
20-05-2006 09:17:04
Yep Tuan has a PM.