22-05-2006 20:16:44
tuan kuranes
23-05-2006 08:06:28
did you shift terrain origin to match OgreOde needs ?
using ("PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ") ?
Check LoadNow Option too to make sure all pages are loaded if you place objects on invisible page.
23-05-2006 08:18:23
Hi No i dont have shifted the terrain origin where i have do that and how much?
tuan kuranes
23-05-2006 09:05:19
at beginning and to make it match TSM origin as OgreOde landscape handling is TSM based.
TSM has 0,0,0 in a corner.
PLSM2 has 0,0,0 in the middle of terrain
You have to get terrain boundary (a getOption()) and shift from that boundary.
23-05-2006 20:12:23
Ogre::AxisAlignedBox tBox;
Ogre::Real tmp = 700;
It wont shift @ all
after these lines getOption for postion is again zero
tuan kuranes
24-05-2006 09:04:22
25-05-2006 11:03:39
checked cvs out but it doesnt work have u already submit the patch ?
tuan kuranes
25-05-2006 12:27:36
sorry I'm in the middle of a loads of modification at once, so I cannot commit just now. have to wait a bit. (imho tomorrow at most)
25-05-2006 13:20:13
OK good to know
Looking forward for the new fixes/features
(like a child waiting for santa ^^)
tuan kuranes
26-05-2006 16:45:14
in CVS. Have to wati til anon CVS is updated. SF said it should be faster than before. No idea of the new wait time to expect.
27-05-2006 09:39:18
Shifting work now but it seems wired when shift PostionX and positionY
Ogre::AxisAlignedBox tBox;
Ogre::Real tmp;
tmp = tBox.getMaximum().x;
The corner must be at 0 but isnot and if fly with the cam to the terrain the pages unload i mean when i arrive a page the page under me is unloading
27-05-2006 12:44:33
tuan kuranes
30-05-2006 09:10:52
You can use .cfg file option to set it too.
Seems that visibility/page loading doesn't take shifting in account...
I'll add that to do on my todo list, but that may take some time.
30-05-2006 09:23:08
mmm thats bad is there may a way to fit ode for plsm2 without to shift the terrain?
tuan kuranes
30-05-2006 09:31:35
you'll have to modify OgreOde to understand plsm2 ?
(could be just a "shifting" in the OgreOde calls to height ray queries.)
31-05-2006 10:33:48
What do u mean it is enough to shift the call in the geometry class?
31-05-2006 10:49:53
Ok i will try this at night i hope it works
One question works the splatting5 shader again with Texture shadows as shadow receiver and is there a way to make the terrain a shadow caster now i am using splatting2 it works but i use Direc. light.
tuan kuranes
31-05-2006 12:16:03
Terrain as shadowcaster ? what fps that gives you ?
what other light it should work with ?
shader+shadow receive is a Work In progress
03-06-2006 12:45:59
I dont get it where to change the origin in OgreOdeGeometry cause when i drop a box not greater the pos 0,0 the functions dont get called at all.
04-06-2006 14:59:58
Assuming you got it to work at positive values, changing the getHight method, you only have to create a new constructor to the OgreOdeGeometry.cpp.
This change I made is just a way arround, and is not the correct way to go, but it works well without any performance issues. Add the following next to the
TerrainGeometry::TerrainGeometry(const String& configfile,Space* space)
Leave the above constructor intact, and add this new constructor after:
TerrainGeometry::TerrainGeometry(const int nodes_per_side, const Real side_length, const Real max_height, Space* space)
_geom = dCreateTerrainCallback(getSpaceID(space),0,(dReal)max_height,(dReal)side_length,nodes_per_side,0,0);
_listener = 0;
_max_height = max_height;
_ray = Ray(Vector3::ZERO,Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y);
_ray_query = World::getSingleton().getSceneManager()->createRayQuery(_ray);
As I remember well, this ignores the size of the terrain, and creates an infinite geometry, so the problem does not exist anymore.
hope it works...
04-06-2006 19:10:54
i have tested it but now my boxes fly up and the collsion is complete false there must a thing u forgot to tell how should ODE handle the negative Coords where must i shift it?
05-06-2006 16:43:36
Humm... don't know...
try this out, your heightAt function must look like this:
Real OgreOdeSystem::heightAt(const Vector3& position)
Vector3 resPosition;
SceneManager* sm = ogreSystem->getSceneManager();
Ogre::RaySceneQuery* rayQuery = sm->createRayQuery(Ray(Vector3::ZERO, Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y));
//cast a ray into scene and get intersection point
Ogre::Ray checkRay(position, Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Y);
rayQuery->setQueryMask(RSQ_Height); //PLSM2 mask
RaySceneQueryResult& result = rayQuery->execute();
RaySceneQueryResult::iterator i = result.begin();
if (i != result.end() && i->worldFragment)
resPosition = i->worldFragment->singleIntersection;
return resPosition.y;
and, your terrain geometry must look like:
_terrain = new OgreOde::TerrainGeometry(257,2500.0,300.0,_world->getDefaultSpace());
using the new constructor. The arguments are: "size of the terrain heightmap", "size of the whole map (this is the value I defined in the cfg file to ScaleX. In the gen.cfg file I have a ScaleX=1)" and "max height (ScaleY)".
06-06-2006 03:01:37
thx now it works
but perfomance is horrible when i try to add the trees a createSingleStaticBox i got 0,2 fps is there something to tweak?
OgreOde::EntityInformer ei(m_pEntity,Matrix4::getScale(m_pSceneNode->getScale()));
ei.createSingleStaticBox ( SceneLoader::getSingletonPtr()->getOdeSpace());
06-06-2006 12:13:27
thx now it works
but perfomance is horrible when i try to add the trees a createSingleStaticBox i got 0,2 fps is there something to tweak?
well... now you may have a problem with the size of the terrain. This change I post before, creates an infinite geometry for the terrain as I remember well, so maybe that is the problem. At the moment I have no free time to think about a better solution, when I do, I surelly help you.
One thing you can try, is to scale your meshes to a smaller size. I realize that the size of the mesh is very important to the performance of OgreOde, os ODE itself.
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