28-05-2006 22:49:28
I'm trying to make a basic app using PLSM2 just to figure it out, and I've loaded a terrain, but I don't know how to do anything beyond that, because there doesn't seem to be any sort of documentation of the functions. Is there anything similar to the Ogre API Docs for PLSM2 that lists the functions it implements and their use?
29-05-2006 01:28:25
Most of the functions you'd care about are done through setOptions. The wiki describes some, the setOptions function in PagingLandscapeSceneManager and the PagingLandscapeOptions classes describe the rest, or give you a place to track down what you need.
What functions are you looking for?
I'm guessing all you want to do is load and display terrain - in that case you don't need functions, you need config files. Check the samples that come with the paging landscape demo, the mapsplitter cfg files, terrain cfg files, paginglandscape2.cfg, etc.
29-05-2006 07:11:57
I've actually got the terrain loaded and displayed fine, I was just wondering how I would implement some of the more advanced PLSM functions, because that's really what I wanted to use it for in the first place. The reason I post this is because I was reading the wiki article on integrating PLSM terrain with OgreNewt and couldn't get it to work, so I thought it might be a good idea to research some of the functions. I also want to implement terrain deformation in the future and don't know how I would even begin to do that. Thank you for the reply!
29-05-2006 07:14:59
Wiki: ... ger_Option
All of those are options that can be passed to setOption.
They aren't very well documented, again look at setOption where in the code for more details.
Also the demo has an example of terrain deformation using setOption DeformationCenter
29-05-2006 07:22:19
Thank you very much, I think this is enough to get me started. I just had no idea where to look to find this stuff, there are so many .h files.