31-05-2006 06:40:45
Hello. When I try to run MapSplitter, it displays exception, that it cannot find OctreeSceneManager plug-in. So I made copy of that file from my OgreSDK installation, but then it want also some other DLLs. And after that it ends up on strange error which looks like this:
"The procedure entry point _ZN4Ogre10GpuProgram....................... could not be located in the dynamic link OgreMain.dll."
I think it could be cause of version problem. I am using 1.2 OgreSDK with mingw compiller.
Can you help me please to solve this problem? Thanks
31-05-2006 06:49:28
Remove the Octree plugin entry from plugins.cfg
31-05-2006 07:15:29
Remove the Octree plugin entry from plugins.cfg
Yes, it looks like its working, thanks a lot for your help.
Mmmm, when I started the topic here, I have one more question to ask.
Is there any procedure, how to install PLSM2 plug-in into OgreSDK, when I am using Code::Blocks with mingw compiller? In the OgreWiki I saw only installation for MS Visual Studios and the installation notes are not very clear, at least for me. There is not written, "if you want to use PLSM with OgreSDK, copy these files into this directory and then into your project you must include this and this."
tuan kuranes
31-05-2006 08:02:54
if you want to use PLSM with OgreSDK, copy these files into this directory and then into your project you must include this and this."
if you want to use PLSM with OgreSDK, copy these zip content directly into OgreSDK directory and open plsm2 Code Blocks projects files."
31-05-2006 09:04:57
if you want to use PLSM with OgreSDK, copy these zip content directly into OgreSDK directory and open plsm2 Code Blocks projects files."
Thanks for advice. I installed the source into OgreSDK, then I found the Code Blocks project in scripts directory and a bit modified compile and link directories to Accept OgreSDK directory instead of OgreMain.
There are some problems during building of PLSM2 with code blocks. First there is mistake in the project, cause it wants to use OgrePagingLandScapeOgreOctree.cpp instead of OgrePagingLandScapeOctree.cpp file. When I change that in the project, all files get compilled without problem. But when trying to link DLLs, then it gives me such errors:
Creating library file: ..\bin\Release\libPlugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.a
..\obj\Release\src\OgrePagingLandScapePageRenderable.o: In function `ZN4Ogre29PagingLandScapePageRenderableC2EPNS_26PagingLandScapePageManagerERKSsjjRKNS_14AxisAlignedBoxE':C:/OgreSDK/PlugIns/PagingLandScape2/scripts/../src/OgrePagingLandScapePageRenderable.cpp:69: undefined reference to `Ogre::MovableObject::MovableObject(std::string const&)'
..\obj\Release\src\OgrePagingLandScapePageRenderable.o: In function `ZN4Ogre29PagingLandScapePageRenderableC1EPNS_26PagingLandScapePageManagerERKSsjjRKNS_14AxisAlignedBoxE':C:/OgreSDK/PlugIns/PagingLandScape2/scripts/../src/OgrePagingLandScapePageRenderable.cpp:69: undefined reference to `Ogre::MovableObject::MovableObject(std::string const&)'
..\obj\Release\src\OgrePagingLandScapePageRenderable.o: In function `ZNSt8_Rb_treeIjSt4pairIKjN4Ogre7Vector4EESt10_Select1stIS4_ESt4lessIjESaIS4_EE8_S_valueEPKSt13_Rb_tree_nodeIS4_E':C:/CodeBlocks/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.5/../../../../include/c++/3.4.5/bits/stl_tree.h:(.rdata$_ZTVN4Ogre29PagingLandScapePageRenderableE[vtable for Ogre::PagingLandScapePageRenderable]+0x9c): undefined reference to `Ogre::ShadowCaster::generateShadowVolume(Ogre::EdgeData*, Ogre::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr, Ogre::Light const*, std::vector<Ogre::ShadowRenderable*,
31-05-2006 09:29:20
is that Dagon OgreSDK ?
I am using typical OgreSDK 1.2 with mingw compiller and STL port, downloaded from Ogre download page.
tuan kuranes
31-05-2006 09:31:44
It seems it doesn't link with OgreMain or OgreMain_d.
31-05-2006 09:38:45
It seems it doesn't link with OgreMain or OgreMain_d.
Here is the SDK name i am using: OgreSDKSetup1.2.0_CBMingW_STLPp1
Well, you are right i think. But how to configure CB when the plms project itself is not correctly set up.
tuan kuranes
31-05-2006 09:43:54
check in Ogre SDK samples CB projects files how it links to OgreMain and OgreMain_d and reproduce it in all PLSM2 CB projects.
31-05-2006 10:05:00
check in Ogre SDK samples CB projects files how it links to OgreMain and OgreMain_d and reproduce it in all PLSM2 CB projects.
When i try to copy settings from OgreSDK, STLPort always crashes on many errors. So i tryed to build that without it, just with link to OgreMain. Then it compilles, but does not link.
Hope someone here uses also the same compiller and IDE and will help me to solve this problem.
tuan kuranes
31-05-2006 10:14:38
STLPort always crashes on many errors.
like ?
Hope someone here uses also the same compiller and IDE and will help me to solve this problem.
make a new thread with an explicit title then.