31-05-2006 19:03:20
All my heightmaps and textures are in BMP format, and are created and splited by L3DT.The original size of these maps is 1024*1024.
I've first made heightmaps to 1025*1025, so that PLSM could load it(why so a strange size?is it not easier to use the power of 2?)
Firstly, it shows only a plane when I try to create a terrain with the heightmap(The heightmaps are all in 8bit BMP format and I've set Data2DFormat=HeightField). Then I converted heightmaps into 32 bit png format, as the binary demo do. The terrain is created,but a very strang terrain, I should say.See screenshot. these heighmaps are all tested by using other Graphic engines, like TV3D. Could you please tell me how can I fix this?
31-05-2006 21:05:39
Are you running that in OpenGL with an ATI card?
From FAQ
Terrain is "split", there is moving cracks between tiles ?
Disable Lod vertexmorphing in Opengl with ATI cards. (VertexProgramMorph=no in map config files)
Do the PLSM demos run fine? Does the Ogre Terrain demo run fine?
31-05-2006 21:58:18
thank you for your reply
But it has nothing to with that.
I'm using D3D.
I've already found out the reason for this strang terrain.
This is because of the convertion from BMP to png.
But the terrain of different pages still don't match together. I dont't know if it is because of the wrong splitting of L3DT.
I need a very large map. I've createded a heightmap with 8192*8192 with L3DT. It will be even larger later on. So I can't save it in a single file, that I can use the MapSplitter.exe to split it. L3DT splitted it for me to 8*8 maps. When I load them with PLSM, these pages don't match together.
Anybody has a idea, how I can solve my problem?
31-05-2006 22:01:04
Have you used deformation to modify any of the terrain? Do you have any .modif files in your directory?
31-05-2006 22:14:44
I've turned off the deformation mode.
I've uploaded all of my heightmaps and textures and my config file. Can you please check it if there is something wrong with the maps or config?
It's a little bit big(11MB)
OK, I've found it out. It's the problem of L3DT of exporting heightmap.
31-05-2006 22:49:33
OK, I've found it out. It's the problem of L3DT of exporting heightmap.
Care to explain what you found out?
I am planning to use L3DT for large scale terrains - and would like to split it like you do, before giving it to the mapsplitter.
31-05-2006 23:03:10
I'm using L3DT v2.3a, because this is the only standard version, which still supports to split heightmap into mosaics.
But if I export these mosaics into other formats, like .raw.They don't match together. You can see this screenshot.
I don't know how it is with v2.3d or v2.4 beta(professional version). Has anybody tried it out?
01-06-2006 01:53:45
The 2.4 beta professional version exported a 8k x 8k map for me today into PNG just fine. I did the same before with a 16k x 16k map before and all subsequent texture maps.
Is there anything you'd like me to test specifically?
01-06-2006 02:01:39
I've got a question.
The size of the heightmaps, which are exported by L3DT, are always 2^n.But PLSM requires 2^n+1.
How did you change the size?
With Photoshop?
01-06-2006 02:12:33
You'd need photoshop CS2 if you want to deal with raw files without them getting converted to 8 bit
01-06-2006 02:15:56
Thank you.I'll try it.
One last question:
My terrain gets very bumpy if I get close to it. How can I fix this?
01-06-2006 02:20:34
Probably something to do with the resolution but not sure.
tuan kuranes
01-06-2006 15:32:50
Bad scaling algorithms gives bad resized heightmap with stairs effect.
16 bits is the one supported and that should be used, note that 32bits images is read but only first 2 bytes (16bits) are significant.