27-10-2005 03:15:43
i'm trying to implement the atmospheric scattering shader from ati in plsm2.
there's a terrain pass which requires the geometry of the terrain to be submitted. how i can apply the shader to those terrain tiles which are paged in and currently viewable?
27-10-2005 03:24:57
You can create new texture format for your particular shader.
Alternatively you could modify one of the existing texture format's shaders for your own custom project - the material is cloned. Probably look in the code to find the material name for the texture format - for example, Splatting5Material or whatever one you choose.
Finally, you could also set the TextureFormat=Image and then create a set of specially named materials which match the page numbers - look in the code to find the material names. I did that a while back when I had written a custom fragment program for blending 5 textures in 2 passes.
The material names will look something like
Landscape0.0, 0.1, 0.2 etc.