05-06-2006 12:46:59
There is a problem i have with the Lod...on the current page where the character is the subdivison is normal but on mpuntains behinds other mountains the subdivision is very high and thats false in some places i get 500k triangle count and when i look at the ground the triangle count is 21000 is this my mistake or is this a known bug?
06-06-2006 03:10:12
Here can u see that the lod is false the background mountains are high poly the front mountains are not so high
tuan kuranes
06-06-2006 15:45:54
This is because Lod is related to camera distance AND tile complexity
06-06-2006 20:15:37
The mountains in the background don't really seem more complex than the ones in the foreground.
Have you tried decreasing tile size a little bit? If the tiles get culled out then there's no worries at all, right?
07-06-2006 11:29:24
Yesterday i upgraded to cvs head in the hope CHC will bring fps but CHC dont work i get a black screen onle VIEW_FRustum work
i used the latest PLSM" from cvs.
tuan kuranes
08-06-2006 11:16:18
Chc is another topic, and need some work after all recent updates... I need more time...
08-06-2006 11:21:33
sry i had read that someone got working ii in another topic thats why i thought it works with cvs head.