Error when compiling GOOF (I have tried my best, but...)
15-06-2006 18:11:05
I have spent my full day to compile GOOF and until now, there are some error I want to inform you also there are errors that I could not solve it myself
In Project : GOOFResourceBackgroundGroupGameSystem, there are error when compiling and then I resolve them by add these below
OgreMain.lib CEGUIBase.lib OgreGUIRenderer.lib GOOFCommon.lib
So, I have built this project successfully
In Project : GOOFPagingLandscapeEditorPlugin
When compiling, there are still error when compiling with missing lib, I try to add them as much as I could, but in the end,
I could not fix this error
GOOFPagingLandscapeEditorPlugin error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall
Ogre::PagingLandScapeData2DManager::~PagingLandScapeData2DManager(void)" (??1PagingLandScapeData2DManager@Ogre@@QAE@XZ)
referenced in function "public: void * __thiscall Ogre::PagingLandScapeData2DManager::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned
int)" (??_GPagingLandScapeData2DManager@Ogre@@QAEPAXI@Z)
My linker in this project until now
OgreMain.lib CEGUIBase.lib OgreGUIRenderer.lib libboost_thread-vc71-mt-1_33_1.lib GOOFCommon.lib OIS_static.lib libnoise.lib Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.lib GOOFEdSystem.lib libboost_filesystem-vc71-mt-1_33_1.lib
In project : GOOFExtension
In file : GOOFPagingLandscapeDecalGameObject.cpp
line : 14
PagingLandscapeDecalGameObject::PagingLandscapeDecalGameObject(CoreGameObjectManager *manager, const String& name)
: PlaceHolderGameObject(manager, name, PLACEHOLDER_MESH_META_ID, PLACEHOLDER_MAT_NAME)
there are 4 arguments as you could see above, but in fact , there are only 3 argument you have defined
In file : GOOFPlaceHolderGameObject.h
line : 23
PlaceHolderGameObject(CoreGameObjectManager *manager, const String& name, const String& placeholderMeshMetaID);
And the error with this file is
Error : GOOFPagingLandscapeDecalGameObject.cpp(15): error C2661: 'GOOF::PlaceHolderGameObject::PlaceHolderGameObject' : no
overloaded function takes 4 arguments
GOOFPagingLandscapeDecalGameObject.cpp(85): error C2065: 'mLight' : undeclared identifier
GOOFPagingLandscapeDecalGameObject.cpp(87): error C3861: 'mLight': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
This is some error that I have faced until now. I hope I could help you update the dependency so It could be easier to compile GOOF.
15-06-2006 18:47:06
All of your problems are because you're compiling in release mode. Compile in debug, I haven't checked release since I work in debug most of the time. Let me look at release and get it working. Sorry for not indicating that release was untested.
GOOFResourceBackgroundGroupGameSystem is not currently used. It's strange though, because in my project I already have the following in the link input: OgreMain.lib CEGUIBase.lib OgreGUIRenderer.lib GOOFCommon.lib
Also, if you have ogre compiled with thread support you will get errors in GOOFResourceBackgroundGroupGameSystem project. You should be able to ignore them because I don't think any other projects are using that library yet.
I have no idea about the paging landscape data manager error, but it could have been because of the debug vs. release issues.
GOOFPagingLandscapeDecalGameObject.cpp should be excluded from the build. It's excluded from debug, but not release (my bad). Right click on the file and choose properties, then Excluded From Build choose Yes.
In case anyone is interested, I did do a completely fresh install of GOOF by following my own instructions to the letter and it worked (except I only compiled in debug).
15-06-2006 19:00:01
Thanks for reply so soon, I am compiling now...hope I could test GOOF soon
15-06-2006 19:06:22
Good luck.
15-06-2006 19:37:28
Compile finish ...Error come from the Debug VS Release
I have just run GOOF_Ed , the interface is so great, I will look into it more
PS: All your object folder in your resource.cfg is not exist so I must exclude them from the resource.cfg
15-06-2006 19:40:26
Did you copy the Samples folder from ogreaddons GOOF into your ogrenew folder?
Ah, there was a bad instruction in the installation instructions, you don't copy ogreaddons/GOOF/Samples into ogrenew/Samples you copy into ogrenew.
15-06-2006 19:46:22
Yeap, I know but this is the missing folder in resource.cfg
15-06-2006 19:47:27
Hrm, I didn't notice this. Okay, probably a problem with CVS deleting empty folders. I'll remove them from my resources file until I have something to put in there
*EDIT* Done
15-06-2006 19:52:16
Oh crap, I commented out the paging landscape editor plugin in the code as well, so it's not currently show up.
I was testing some stuff. Crapola, one second. Ah crap PLM2 isn't working now anyhow, I need to do some testing to figure out WTF is going on.
If you want to try, this is what you'd do, but I just tried running and it crashed in void PagingLandScapeSceneManager::destroyCamera(Camera *cam)
In GOOFEditorScreen.cpp in GOOFEd project uncomment the lines:
PagingLandscapeEditorPlugin* landscapePlugin = new PagingLandscapeEditorPlugin(keyboard, mouse, joy);
Then in GOOFGameObjectEditorPlugin.cpp in GOOFGameObjectEditorPlugin project change this line from:
mgr = Root::getSingleton().createSceneManager(ST_GENERIC, "GameObjectSceneManager");
mgr = Root::getSingleton().createSceneManager("PagingLandScapeSceneManager", "GameObjectSceneManager");
if you suceeded with compiling, it would be great if you could post a compiled version of goof!
15-06-2006 20:05:18
Um. My #1 problem when using goof, I could not make the terrain
...I can not see the base terrain also the brush to define terrain or paiting texture
*Edit* Sorry I post without seeing your previous thread
Maybe I will help you make the user guide for this editor
15-06-2006 20:05:44
GOOF isn't interesting to people who want a compiled version. (In fact, it's a big turn off, you won't ever want to come back again). It crashes, some features aren't implemented and crash when you attempt to use them, and there's no user documentation.
15-06-2006 20:06:32
15-06-2006 20:24:51
Bah, everything's not working in the paging landscape editor. Leave it commented out. I blame Tuan, he changed a bunch of things on me. Splatting2Edit and SplattingShaderEdit no longer exist (or they aren't specified the same way anymore), and apparently I can't load the terrain the same way as I used to.
15-06-2006 21:04:41
Yeap, I have tried compile with your new fix hint and *boom*, I even could not run the GOOF_Ed_d.exe : ... real problem with terrain now???
And this is some issue that I find out on your goof release
1. Problem with saving, open scene system
2. Problem with saving terrain
3. The deform tool do not work well
4. The browse button in most case I try do not work
5. The refresh tool in property do not work
These are some minor thing that I found now...except this, everything is great...
This tool is so great for artist. More idea about develop it maybe from the war 3 great editor
15-06-2006 21:23:22
As I said, terrain is broken. I'm waiting for a reply from Tuan.
Also, I'm not interested in bug reports at the moment, since I know most of them. It's not a matter of finding them, it's a matter of fixing them and the amount of time required to do it, plus working on other features.
As soon as I get terrain lighting and the shader system in, I'll be bug fixing everything and then there'll be a real release.
15-06-2006 22:12:17
Sound good, Falagard
The shadow that drop on terrain of these model is so great, and the way model canculate the bouding box to place on each other is precise
15-06-2006 22:26:46
Wow! That looks awesome!
15-06-2006 23:28:32
Hey, how'd you get the terrain working?
16-06-2006 02:48:16
Oh no
. This super shot is from your release zip. I still can not get the terrain run, still can not look through your system, it need time to figure it out....
16-06-2006 02:54:48
Ahh. Ya, don't worry, I'll get the terrain working over the next few days.
16-06-2006 03:58:23
Uhm, It seems there are some minor bug in PLS2 now, hope tuan could fix soon
16-06-2006 04:08:55
That screenshot is awesome...
Once you're ready for an influx of people Falagard, get that screenshot on the Ogre Featured Projects gallery. I think people will be beating down your door
. It might seem weird since it's not a game, but the Chronos Editor and oFusion are featured in there...
tuan kuranes
16-06-2006 07:22:25
I blame Tuan, he changed a bunch of things on me
Explanation and hopefully fixes
To my defense, I stated about those in CVS commit (no one has subsrcibe ogre cvs mailing list ?) and in the
new page. But obviously, I should have been a lot more specific and clear...
(now I know why you didn't move to a Goof forum yet !)
16-06-2006 07:42:57
Ha, I was just kidding. I appreciate all the work you're doing on the paging scene manager.
As far as I know I haven't subscribed to the ogre cvs mailing list, however while I was submitting GOOF into CVS I got spammed with about 200 emails from the cvs mailer saying that some mail server couldn't be reached.
Thanks for the explanation, I should be able to fix it now.
Any reason why my previous code for changing a map won't work now?
I'm creating a new terrain dynamically and then calling something like (off the top of my head:
mSceneMgr->setOption("InsertMap", mapName);
mSceneMgr->setOption("CurrentMap", mapName);
and it doesn't *seem* to be working anymore.
tuan kuranes
16-06-2006 07:56:12
Ha, I was just kidding. I appreciate all the work you're doing on the paging scene manager.
No problemo, just sorry to prevent a clean first release of the long awaited and appreciated Goof ...
As far as I know I haven't subscribed to the ogre cvs mailing list
You really should (if you use filters in your mail reader...).
Any reason why my previous code for changing a map won't work now?
After a map change or texture change, you now have to call :
mSceneMgr->setOption( "LoadMap", 0 );
(Previous code would reload a map twice if you change material and map at the same time...)
16-06-2006 08:03:04
Okay, cool, that's perfect. I'll add LoadMap option to the code tomorrow.
22-06-2006 07:04:09
Falagard, any luck on fixing the problem?
I just got everything, built, and ran (after changing the few lines of code you suggested a few posts back) and it is still crashing in the PagingLandscape code. The crash I get is due to mOptions being set to NULL at line 1648 in OgrePagingLandScapeSceneManager.cpp. Is this a symptom of the current fixes needed for PLSM2 to work in GOOF?
Thanks mucho for your hard work,
10-12-2006 10:08:02
this is probably a very n00by question and the wrong thread to ask
(I just found this through the forum search) but I'm somehow stuck in the Installation instrtructions at the
Paging Scene Manager.
It says:
Copy ogreaddons/paginglandscape/Tools Samples and Plugins folders to DEV_ROOT/ogrenew folder
So I understood I have to take the
Tools, the Samples and the Plugins folder and drag and drop copy them directly into the
DEV_ROOT/ogrenew folder.
But there already are folders named
Tools, Samples and Plugins and I wasn't sure if I was ment to overwrite them.
Next step I took was to try to copy the subfolders of
Tools, Samples and Plugins into the existing
Tools, Samples and Plugins folders in
ogrenew were I had to notice, they mostly existed, too.
Thats were I gave up on understanding the Instruction and started to search for help elsewhere. And thus I hope you can tell me how
copy is ment in this context.
(btw its the same with the next step)
11-12-2006 13:44:50
Yep, copy over and overwrite existing. It won't overwrite anything important.
12-12-2006 17:57:39
Ok thats done now but I seem to be missing some included files:
and: cannot open input file 'OgreMain.lib'
I did everything as I was told by the instalations instruction and even Compiled twice, he only managed to compile one file and failed with 22 oO
I could post the whole log but I thought you can probably work out without and if not I will post it.
The thing is, that even the windows-search-funktion couldn't find a file called "
Edit: oups forgot about the Dependencies because the download hadn't started
12-12-2006 20:21:38
One assumption I had is that you have Ogre compiling fine before you start trying to get GOOF working. I'm guessing that you don't have Ogre compiling fine. You should actually be pretty proficient with Ogre and PLM2 before even attempting to work with GOOF in its current state. Later on I'd like GOOF to be simple to set up and use, but at the moment it's for people who have tried Ogre and have found it to be lacking functionality for creating complex games, especially from a tool perspective, but these people know Ogre inside and out in case you hit a problem with the pre-alpha version of Ogre that I've put in CVS. You need to be knowledgeable enough to be able to solve minor compile issues like these.
You need to download the DirectX SDK and install it. You need to download the Ogre dependencies for your version of Visual Studio and set them up properly. Forget about GOOF and get Ogre compiling and running, then get PLM2 compiling and running on its own, then get GOOF working last
13-12-2006 14:15:40
Well that somwhat of DirectX was missing isn't that hard to figure out as the file d3d9.h is the shortcut of its newes verion but I didn't knew there was a whole SDK missing because it was nevern mentioned nowhere. Because of this I asumed, it was supposed to come along with one of the files I downloaded (following the instructions).
Now that I know that it didn't I think there will be no problems left when compiling.
Actually I had been browsing the wiki for what I could use to make Ogre a complete game engine with everything needed where I found GOOF wich included most of the libraries I also would have picked from the list in
assambling a Toolset. So I thought "why not try out?", and thats what I'm just about to do. ^^
Thanx for the help!