08-07-2006 20:31:36
Anybody has experience of PLSM2 and OgreNewt integration as it is described in Wiki? Probably PLSM2/OgreNewt has changed and this example already doesn't work..
I have looked on a forum and have found an example (
http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2addons/view ... pedelegate), but it make unhandled exception on call PagingLandScapePageManager:: getPage.
Can you give me please an _working_ example (source code) of integration PLSM2 and OgreNewt?
08-07-2006 21:51:47
I had this problem crop up recently - if you'd like to try to finish it on your own, then just when you first get the PagingLandScapeSceneManager passed into it (or in some cases, the SceneManager - depends on how you coded it I suppose...) do this:
PagingLandScapePageManager* mPageMgr = mSceneMgr->getPageManager();
Now instead of calling mSceneMgr->getPageManager()->getPage(), use mPageMgr->getPage(). I still don't know why mPageManager (the internal PagingLandScapePageManager) goes out of scope, but it happens right around the time a delegate is created/called.
Edit: just noticed you were linking to what I posted in
08-07-2006 23:19:31
Unfortunately, it does not solve a problem.
HexiDave, whether it is impossible to take somewhere source codes of a "small" working example that I could learn it?
08-07-2006 23:57:43
I'll see what I can do - I modified a lot of the code to suit my needs.
Are you using the standard SceneManager or using PagingLandScapeSceneManager like I did in the thread you linked?
Also, what version of PLSM2 are you using (CVS? SDK? Is it fairly up to date?)
EDIT: I should also note that I still had problems with the PageManager disapearing while in Debug mode, so try compiling in Release mode.
09-07-2006 13:37:27
I use PLSM2, which I download from a site (
http://tuan.kuranes.free.fr/Ogre.html) last week, Newton 1.53, OgreNewt 0.08.
Below I have resulted my source codes.. They can be copied and inserted in MS VC ++ 8 and check this error.. May be I forget some important details? Help me please!
#pragma once
#include <ExampleApplication.h>
#include "Ogre.h"
#include "OgreConfigFile.h"
#include "OgreKeyEvent.h"
#include "OgreEventListeners.h"
#include "OgreStringConverter.h"
#include "OgreException.h"
#include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeOptions.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeCamera.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeData2DManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeRenderableManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTextureCoordinatesManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeRenderable.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTextureManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTexture.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapePageManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTile.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTileInfo.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeTileManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeRenderable.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeRenderableManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeRaySceneQuery.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeCamera.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeListenerManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeSceneManager.h"
#include "OgrePagingLandScapeHorizon.h"
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace std;
#include <OgreNewt.h>
class PLSM2Manager
SceneManager* m_sceneManager;
OgreNewt::World *m_World;
map<String,OgreNewt::Body*> tilesBodies;
PLSM2Manager(SceneManager* sceneManager,OgreNewt::World* World, Camera * mCamera):m_sceneManager(sceneManager),m_World(World)
PagingLandscapeDelegate * loadTileDelegate = new PagingLandscapeDelegate();
PagingLandscapeDelegate * unloadTileDelegate = new PagingLandscapeDelegate();
m_sceneManager->setOption("LoadNow", mCamera);
void tileUnloaded(PagingLandscapeEvent* e)
//recover PLSM2's tile object
int pageX=e->mPagex;
int pageZ=e->mPagez;
PagingLandScapePage* page = ((PagingLandScapeSceneManager*)m_sceneManager)->getPageManager()->getPage(pageX, pageZ); // UNHANDLED EXCEPTION HERE!!!
int tileX = e->mTilex;
int tileZ = e->mTilez;
PagingLandScapeTile* tile = page->getTile(tileX, tileZ);
String tileData = "page" + StringConverter::toString(pageX) + "-" + StringConverter::toString(pageZ) + "-tile" + StringConverter::toString(tileX) + "-" + StringConverter::toString(tileZ);
OgreNewt::Body *body = tilesBodies[tileData];
delete body;
void tileLoaded(PagingLandscapeEvent* e)
//recover PLSM2's tile object
int pageX=e->mPagex;
int pageZ=e->mPagez;
int tileX=e->mTilex;
int tileZ=e->mTilez;
PagingLandScapeSceneManager* mgr = (PagingLandScapeSceneManager*)m_sceneManager;
PagingLandScapePageManager * pmgr =mgr->getPageManager();
PagingLandScapePage* page = pmgr->getPage(pageX, pageZ,false); // UNHANDLED EXCEPTION HERE!!!
PagingLandScapeTile* tile=page->getTile(tileX, tileZ);
//ask reference to geometry to PLSM2
std::vector<void*> params;
int renderLevel=0;
//recover data at the end of the vector and send it to our physics class for the next step
int* numVtx=((int*)params[5]);
Vector3* vertices=((Vector3*)params[6]);
IndexData* indexData=((IndexData*)params[7]);
delete[] vertices;
delete numVtx;
void loadTerrainGeometry(PagingLandScapeTile* tile, Vector3* vertices, int numVertices, IndexData* indexData)
PagingLandScapeTileInfo *blah = tile->getInfo();
String tileData = "page"+StringConverter::toString(blah->pageX) +"-" + StringConverter::toString(blah->pageZ) +"-tile"+StringConverter::toString(blah->tileX)+"-"+StringConverter::toString(blah->tileZ);
OgreNewt::TreeCollisionSerializer* serializer=new OgreNewt::TreeCollisionSerializer();
OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::TreeCollision* collision;
if(!ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().resourceExists("General",tileData + ".collision"))
collision = new OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::TreeCollision(m_World,numVertices,vertices,indexData,false);
serializer->exportTreeCollision(collision,"coldata//" + tileData + ".collision");
collision=new OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::TreeCollision(m_World);
DataStreamPtr ptr = ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(tileData + ".collision");
OgreNewt::Body* body = new OgreNewt::Body(m_World,collision);
SceneNode* newBody = tile->getSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode(tileData);
delete collision;
class OgreNewtonApplication : public ExampleApplication
void createFrameListener();
void createScene();
void chooseSceneManager();
OgreNewt::World* m_World;
Ogre::FrameListener* mNewtonListener;
PLSM2Manager *plsm2Manager;
#include ".\OgreNewtonApplication.h"
#include <OgreNewt.h>
m_World = new OgreNewt::World();
delete m_World;
void OgreNewtonApplication::chooseSceneManager()
mSceneMgr = mRoot->createSceneManager("PagingLandScapeSceneManager", "PagingLandScapeDemo" );
mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry( Ogre::String("paginglandscape2.cfg") );
void OgreNewtonApplication::createScene()
// sky box.
mSceneMgr->setSkyBox(true, "Examples/CloudyNoonSkyBox");
Ogre::Vector3 size(10.0,1.0,10.0);
Ogre::SceneNode* node ;
Ogre::Entity* ent;
OgreNewt::Collision* col ;
//delete col;
// standard 1x1x1 cube.
size = Ogre::Vector3( 1, 1, 1 );
node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity("box_body", "box.mesh" );
node->attachObject( ent );
node->setScale( size );
// rigid body.
col = new OgreNewt::CollisionPrimitives::Box( m_World, size );
OgreNewt::Body * bod = new OgreNewt::Body( m_World, col );
bod->attachToNode( node );
// initial position
bod->setPositionOrientation( Ogre::Vector3(1000,350,-2),Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY );
delete col;
Ogre::Real mass = 10.0;
Ogre::Vector3 inertia = OgreNewt::MomentOfInertia::CalcBoxSolid( mass, size );
bod->setMassMatrix( mass, inertia );
mCamera->setPosition( Ogre::Vector3( 1000, 350, 100) );
void OgreNewtonApplication::createFrameListener()
plsm2Manager = new PLSM2Manager(mSceneMgr,m_World,mCamera);
mFrameListener = new ExampleFrameListener( mWindow, mCamera );
mNewtonListener = new OgreNewt::BasicFrameListener( mWindow, mSceneMgr, m_World, 120 );
09-07-2006 14:54:30
I don't have time to test it right now, but try replacing all your SceneManager* to PagingLandScapeSceneManager* and initialize it like this:
mSceneMgr = (PagingLandScapeSceneManager*)mRoot->createSceneManager("PagingLandScapeSceneManager", "PagingLandScapeDemo" );
It might complain about linker errors, so if it does just link the Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.lib which should be in the ogrenew\PlugIns\PagingLandScape2\bin\Release folder.
And again, make sure you're trying this in Release mode - I think one of the settings in Debug mode is causing a problem.
09-07-2006 20:25:58
Ок, I understand..
Replacement SceneManager* to PagingLandScapeSceneManager* and rebuilding in release mode also does not give any changes.. I think a problem somewhere more deeply and consequently I search though any working source code for research..
10-07-2006 00:50:08
You've pretty much got exactly what I use - I have seperate SceneManagers for loading processes and things, so my code is all over the place.
Have you tried this:
class OgreNewtonApplication : public ExampleApplication
void chooseSceneManager(); // switched
void createScene();
void createFrameListener(); // switched
OgreNewt::World* m_World;
Ogre::FrameListener* mNewtonListener;
PLSM2Manager *plsm2Manager;
You might be getting some funny memory problems there otherwise.
Other things to try would be not using m_sceneManager->setOption("LoadNow", mCamera); but instead setting the starting camera settings manually and not using setOption at all - set the camera up before you load your delegates in PLSM2Manager's constructor.
Also try commenting out the m_sceneManager->setOption("addLoadTileListener",loadTileDelegate); code out along with the unloading code to see if you still get a crash. Then uncomment the Loader to see if it keeps crashing.
Other than that I'm stumped at the moment. If I can clean my code up I'll post it.
10-07-2006 16:02:44
You've pretty much got exactly what I use - I have seperate SceneManagers for loading processes and things, so my code is all over the place.
Have you tried this:
class OgreNewtonApplication : public ExampleApplication
void chooseSceneManager(); // switched
void createScene();
void createFrameListener(); // switched
OgreNewt::World* m_World;
Ogre::FrameListener* mNewtonListener;
PLSM2Manager *plsm2Manager;
Sorry, And in what difference of the offered decision?
Other things to try would be not using m_sceneManager->setOption("LoadNow", mCamera); but instead setting the starting camera settings manually and not using setOption at all - set the camera up before you load your delegates in PLSM2Manager's constructor.
I do not know, how starting camera settings manually but if I moving upward "LoadNow" setOption, nothing varies..
Also try commenting out the m_sceneManager->setOption("addLoadTileListener",loadTileDelegate); code out along with the unloading code to see if you still get a crash. Then uncomment the Loader to see if it keeps crashing.
Certainly, if I make comments on this line, tileLoaded it is not caused also exception does not occur
Other than that I'm stumped at the moment. If I can clean my code up I'll post it.
I have come to conclusion, that it is not connected in any way with OgreNewt, and connected only with processing tileLoaded.. Therefore I reduce the code also have started up it in " new topic ".. Can be to me "bad" version PLSM2 Plugin has got..
The Publication of your source codes will help to avoid many problems at many people in the future.. As people which use PLSM2 at all so much
tuan kuranes
24-07-2006 21:08:31