09-11-2005 10:44:20
There's a prob with the current Ogre Head:
"to real from Ogre::StringUtil has been moved to
so the PLSM2 won't compile right now..
09-11-2005 11:27:53
ah and this line (PagingLandScapeRenderableManager; Line 113)
const numRenderablesIncrement = opt->num_renderables_increment;
generates an error on vs2005...
should this be
const Ogre::uint numRenderablesIncrement = opt->num_renderables_increment;
tuan kuranes
09-11-2005 12:42:39
I'll fix that asap.
Does VS8 Release FPS is ok ? can you compare with VC2003 ?
09-11-2005 12:56:34
didn't get ogre to compile yet... has some issues in the gl renderer - I'll get back with results as soon as i have them
tuan kuranes
09-11-2005 13:00:41
Don't loose previous plsm2 exe to make comparison.
(and good luck.)
09-11-2005 13:48:02
hm my build scripts already replaced the dlls - doesn't look good for a comparison
10-11-2005 09:27:10
finally managed to get all the errors out - had to recompile even the basics..
the fps looks normal, no change
tuan kuranes
10-11-2005 09:36:07
Good. thanks for report.
Starting the switch today.
Absolutly Have to check if _restrict give will give faster code in all the loop on array accessed only by one pointer...
10-11-2005 10:57:10
hm i didn't check that yet... just glad the thing compiles now