[HELP] Raw files through mapsplitter


22-07-2006 20:32:54

Okay, I know I've had problems every now and then with MapSplitter, but now when I've started to use raw files (unmodified .raw produced by FreeWorld3D) I've been having crashes.

Everytime I enable any of the following:


MapSplitter crashes after I see Map Calc appear on the console. It got me thinking, could the problem be with the .raw file itself? Since I've been trying to copy alpes configurations, since it doesn't actually use a texture file (neither do I), on the contrary, it uses splatting. Just like I'm trying to.

But I can't get past the crash, I've tried everything. Exception being that I haven't modified the .raw file, since Photoshop has poor functionality with .raw files.

Any and all help appreciated!


22-07-2006 22:08:34

Tuan is away for a week or two on vacation so you might have to wait for his return. I have no idea :-)


22-07-2006 22:25:36

Ah, alright, thanks for the headsup though, Falagard :)

Anyway, I'm using an older version of MapSplitter, since the newer one gave me linker errors/dependancy problems.

Oh well, in a week or two I might be able to fix the problem :)

tuan kuranes

24-07-2006 16:05:30

Raw must be 16 bits.
Can't freeworld exports 16 bits png ?

what are map width and height ize, bits per pixel of the raw, and the exact file size ?

it must be exactly

w * h * 2 = filesize.

Perhaps you can send me the raw and config file.


24-07-2006 17:48:27

As far as I know freeworld only exports it in raw (and in bmp, via another menu). The raw should be 16-bits. Here's the .gen.cfg and the .raw file:


Hope it's just me, or something I'm doing wrong :)

tuan kuranes

24-07-2006 21:24:51

seems ok, I'll look that asap.
Did you exported from SRTM ? if not don't set the "SRTM_water" flag.


24-07-2006 23:12:33

Ahh, that would explain a lot. I was confused about the SRTM_water flag, and left it on, since I saw it in other configuration files aswell. That might be it then! I'll try again, and thank you :)

EDIT: Didn't help. Still crashes at Map Calc :/

tuan kuranes

25-07-2006 09:54:23

ok there was a bug in directory creation and splatting.

till you get the fix in next CVS or SDK use


ok there was a bug in matheight when used as you do.
till you get the fix in next CVS or SDK use



25-07-2006 14:29:26

Ah, I see, thank you tuan, works just fine now :) Glad I found that bug then ;) I'll download the cvs/sdk when a new one is released, but again, thank you tuan, you *are* a lifesaver.