Crash in mapsplitter


23-07-2006 16:53:35

when I run mapsplitter with Equalize=yes and BaseMap=yes in my .gen file it crashes on this part in the code:


uint indx = 1;
while (height > matHeight[indx])

If I dont use Equalize I get blank files for some reason, but it doesnt crash. Is this just a stupid mistake on my part?

for the record, I tried both CVS and normal distribution. Here is the gen file I used:








23-07-2006 17:51:43

The main programmer on PLM is on vacation for a couple weeks so you may have to wait until he gets back.


23-07-2006 18:36:57

Ohwell, a good time to learn about patience then.

Something weird I noticed is that it DOES work with another heigthmap I just tried, they're the same size, same colour depth same type (jpg). But one couses the splitter to crash with the same gen file.

If anyone has thoughts on that one...

tuan kuranes

24-07-2006 16:02:40

BaseMap, CoverageMap or AlphaMaps needs some a list of heights defining the color, alpha texture generation.
Look in default map about that.
I'll fix code to raise an exception in that case.


24-07-2006 19:05:12

The above also occures when when the heights are defined. I found it works if I dont have to heigh a heightmap and the image is 65*65, if different, it crashes again. Besides that the heightmap thats copied to the destination dir is completely black.

Hope this made sense, and thanks for the quick reply.

tuan kuranes

24-07-2006 21:16:18

The above also occures when when the heights are defined.
same exact bug ?
is matHeight vector array non empty, filled with the value you specified ?


25-07-2006 18:32:47

Heh, its just stupid me.... kinda

uint indx = 1;
while (height > matHeight[indx])

Should have seen this at once, there is no splat defined for the higher parts of the terrain in the .gen file. Now I used higher values and it works perfectly. well, nearly so, it still cashes when I use equalize and it wont output the heightmap except a black file.

tuan kuranes

25-07-2006 20:25:17

please have a try with the latest version, which I updated today on some mapsplitter bugs.
If it doesn't work let me know here.