My Problems with PLSM2


24-07-2006 19:24:46


I'm trying to learn how to work with the Paging Landscape Scene Manager (PLSM2) and I'm not being sucessfull in adding it to my project.

I have the 1.2.1 Ogre 'Dagon' SDK installed here, and then I made a simple project in VC++ without using the exampleapplication.h, and while I don't put the paging landscape DLL there and set it in the plugins.cfg file, everything works fine.

How can I make my app run with PLSM2 correctly? What files and what configurations I must do in order to get it running? What changes in the SDK I must make? I couldn't even get the Demo running.

The info in the wiki and in the PLSM2 page is very incomplete, or i'm losing something.


tuan kuranes

24-07-2006 20:59:21

I couldn't even get the Demo running.
You have to do that first.
Extract the plsm zip sdk in the folder containing the OgreSDK
Batch build it, run it.

More documentation is in ... ne_Manager

If you have question or/and want to post specific lack in wiki documentation post here and we will try to make it clearer.


24-07-2006 21:56:38

Well, let's follow the steps :)

I've downloaded again the Ogre 1.2.2
Then I downloaded again PLSM2 Source and extracted it into OgreSDK folder
I've built the plsm2_vc8_SDK.sln with my VC++, and it built fine with Debug and Release configurations.

Then I followed your WIKI, in the Run Section, which states:

1. First, make sure you have these files in the same directory as demo_paginglandscape2.exe:
1. maptool.cfg (copy the file in ogrenew\Tools\Common\bin\debug or ogrenew\Tools\Common\bin\release)
2. resources.cfg - This should point to the data heightmap sources and an up-to-date Ogremain.dll and ogreplatform.dll. A template resources.cfg file here
3. paginglandscape2.cfg
4. resources.cfg - pointing to plsm2 resources
5. plugin.cfg - Make sure this references the plsm2 plugin
2. Copy mapsplitter from Tools/common/Debug or Tools/common/Release to debug/release folder containing the Demo_PagingLandScape2.exe
3. (Note from Falagard: Why don't we put a post build step to copy MapSplitter into the Samples\Common\bin\debug and release folders and suggest it be run from there instead?)
4. If map splitter executes successfully, it creates new directory containing splitted maps.
5. Now you can run demo_paginglandscape2.exe from Samples/common/Debug or Samples/common/Release

And okay, I had demo_paginglandscape2.exe in my bin/release folder. I ran it and get an error about missing ogreMain.dll. Then I copied the bin/release folder of the OgreSDK, with all the dll's. Then it complained about resources.cfg, which I took from your wiki, and then it complained about resources_plsm2.cfg, which I supposed was the [PLSM2] part within resources.cfg, so I copied it and made this file. Then it complained about, which I copied all the Media folder from the SDK to the Media folder in Samples.

Now my Ogre Dialog Box appear, where I was supposed to choose my video configuration, is blank. Its combobox has no item and I can't advance any further.

Another thing that happens is when I add the line Plugin=Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2 to the plugins.cfg, and I copy the plsm2 dll to the demo folder, I get a very weird error which says (it is in portuguese as my OS is in portuguese, i'll translate, hope you understand)

"Unable to find procedure ?_getWorldAABB@SceneNode@Ogre@@UBE?AVAxisAlignedBox@2@XZ entry point in the dynamic link library OgreMain.dll"

In both cases, what should I do in order to run this demo?
And just to add, I think you guys could further describe all these steps, from copying things along, in the Wiki. It could cover exceptions, like mine, so new users like me don't get so lost if something else happens.


25-07-2006 04:12:44

"Unable to find procedure ?_getWorldAABB@SceneNode@Ogre@@UBE?AVAxisAlignedBox@2@XZ entry point in the dynamic link library OgreMain.dll"

This is always the problem of putting 'incorrect' DLL together with the executable. Make sure that you are putting the correct version of DLL (in this case Ogremain.dll). And if it doesn't work, force a clean compilation and linking on the executable.

tuan kuranes

25-07-2006 11:09:08

Then I downloaded again PLSM2 Source and extracted it into OgreSDK folder

Best is to put it this way

and batch buid the _SDK.sln using vc8.
(It should handle automatically the copying if files provided folder structure is ok)

Everything should now run so run mapsplitter then the demo.

I've updated the wiki that was indeed a bit old, sorry.