04-08-2006 13:08:19
I had some trouble getting the new PLSM SDK to work. It was compiled against the ogre 1.2 SDK using VC8
First I got this error:
and the new shader programs gave me some errors aswell.
I found the following issues, this also fixed the above error:
- PLLightingCG.program and PLShaders.program share the same material names. I removed PLLightingCG.program since PLShaders.program contained all of those and a few extra.
- paginglandscape.0.0 material has a wrong specular setting.
I changed specular 1.0 0.0 0.0 to specular 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- BaseTexture.material defines different material names (ie Base = BaseTexture)
Reverting it to BaseTexture fixed it.
- when using setOption("CurrentMap", &newMap); the new terrain wont be shown. it needs setOption("LoadMap", 0); additionally. Is this intended that way?
First I got this error:
assertion failed: !material.isNull() && String(mMaterialBaseName + " Must exists in the" + opt->groupName + "group").c_str(), file ..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeTexture.cpp, line 370
and the new shader programs gave me some errors aswell.
I found the following issues, this also fixed the above error:
- PLLightingCG.program and PLShaders.program share the same material names. I removed PLLightingCG.program since PLShaders.program contained all of those and a few extra.
- paginglandscape.0.0 material has a wrong specular setting.
I changed specular 1.0 0.0 0.0 to specular 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
- BaseTexture.material defines different material names (ie Base = BaseTexture)
Reverting it to BaseTexture fixed it.
- when using setOption("CurrentMap", &newMap); the new terrain wont be shown. it needs setOption("LoadMap", 0); additionally. Is this intended that way?