10-08-2006 08:16:31
I compiler goof by ogre1.2.2 version and vc2003 then found that goof editor project in vc2003 release mode will be crashed at creating new a map (>256*256 map size ) or playing to set map properties of advancement like paging size , scale.
I modifed goof editor source code to run in cosole mode to get exception where it is,and looked for crash ocurring int "Map Splitting" process that prouducts all textures for PLSM2 need.
Please any goof's master help me to solve this question. thank you.
10-08-2006 15:09:08
Not sure, when you play with the advanced properties you can use invalid combinations, such as a tile size that isn't divisible into the page size, etc. So you have to be careful what settings you use.
Can you let me know exactly what values you're using?
11-08-2006 04:01:49
Thank you , Goof's Master Falagard:
First I post all exceptions that goof editor is running in console.
Error at line 29 of deferred_post_minilight.hlsl.program: Invalid param_named_auto attribute - An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 7
Function: GpuProgramParameters::getParamIndex
Description: Cannot find a parameter named lightSpecularColor.
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuP
Line: 773
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 1 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: ActorColli
Error at line 2 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: {
Error at line 3 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: technique
Error at line 4 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: {
Error at line 5 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: pass
Error at line 6 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: {
Error at line 7 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: ambient
Error at line 8 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: diffuse
Error at line 9 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: specular
Error at line 10 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unrecognised command: emissive
Error at line 11 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unexpected terminating brace.
Error at line 12 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unexpected terminating brace.
Error at line 13 of ActorCollisionLegs.material: Unexpected terminating brace.
Parsing script PerPixelShaded.material
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 11 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid vertex_program_ref entry - vertex program Base/AmbientOneTextureVS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 15 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid fragment_program_ref entry - fragment program Base/AmbientOneTextureFS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 36 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid vertex_program_ref entry - vertex program Phong/DirectionalLightVS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 40 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid fragment_program_ref entry - fragment program Phong/DirectionalLightFS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 61 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid vertex_program_ref entry - vertex program Phong/PointLightVS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 65 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid fragment_program_ref entry - fragment program Phong/PointLightFS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 86 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid vertex_program_ref entry - vertex program Phong/SpotLightVS has not been defined.
Error in material PerPixelShaded at line 90 of PerPixelShaded.material: Invalid fragment_program_ref entry - fragment program Phong/SpotLightFS has not been defined.
Error in material TestSquare at line 48 of TestSquare.material: Invalid param_named_auto attribute - An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 7
Function: GpuProgramParameters::getParamIndex
Description: Cannot find a parameter named lightAttenuation.
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreGpuP
Line: 773
Error at line 6 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLDecompress
AmbientVPCG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLDecompressAmbientVPCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLDecompressDirectionalVP2CG already exists.
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLDecompressPointVP2HighCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 27 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLDecompres
sPointVP2MedCG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLDecompressPointVP2MedCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 34 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLAmbientVP
CG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLAmbientVPCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 41 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLDirection
alVP2CG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLDirectionalVP2CG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 48 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLPointVP2H
ighCG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLPointVP2HighCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 55 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLPointVP2M
edCG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLPointVP2MedCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 97 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLPointFP2M
edCG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLPointFP2MedCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 104 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLPointFP2
HighCG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLPointFP2HighCG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 111 of PLShaders.program: Could not create GPU program 'PLDirectio
nalFP2CG', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!
Error #: 6
Function: ResourceManager::add
Description: Resource with the name PLDirectionalFP2CG already exists..
File: \3d_engine_research\ogre\ogre-win32-v1-2-2p1\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreReso
Line: 89
Parsing script PagingLandScape.material
Error in material PagingLandScape.0.0 at line 11 of PagingLandScape.material: Bad specular attribute, wrong number of parameters (expected 2, 4 or 5)
Second,I new a map by advanced properties of Simple and Flat Terrain,
after it is crashed during Splitting map and loading those textures.
list of advanced properties :
Map Size :512 X 512
Units per pixel: 2
Max Height: 1024
Page Size :257
Tile Size : 65
Hght/Width :4
ScaleX: 514
ScaleY: 1024
ScaleZ: 1024
I hope above information to be able to deal with this problem.