01-09-2006 23:29:38
would like to say when using custom metrial files
place the material file in the same recorce group as the map, then in the map.cfg add as many formats as you want but make sure you incess the NumTextureFormatSupported for each one you add;
When adding them the name must be of the metiral not of the material file as all the met files a phased when the recource group is connceted, all you need to do is have a name, there are some key words but that is out side my knowlage at this point. ie Alpha chages instances of the word Alpha to the current page and texture but mine dosn't work adding new matirals with the line TextureFormatSupported#=materal and selecting one just as you normaly would.
place the material file in the same recorce group as the map, then in the map.cfg add as many formats as you want but make sure you incess the NumTextureFormatSupported for each one you add;
When adding them the name must be of the metiral not of the material file as all the met files a phased when the recource group is connceted, all you need to do is have a name, there are some key words but that is out side my knowlage at this point. ie Alpha chages instances of the word Alpha to the current page and texture but mine dosn't work adding new matirals with the line TextureFormatSupported#=materal and selecting one just as you normaly would.