tuan kuranes
12-09-2006 17:36:45
Do you use same exact customMaterial Goof use ?
Perhaps it's a matter of light positionning done in GoofEd and not in demo ?
12-09-2006 18:10:04
Yes I use GOOF customMaterial
12-09-2006 18:18:38
I want to load terran file edit from GOOF.
how should i do?
and where is tuturial or demo for use .world file.
Introduce me please.
12-09-2006 19:40:05
It's probably the ambient.
There is no tutorial or sample code yet for loading a .world file in an application, but you should be able to look at the code in the GOOF projects to see how it'd be done. Basically, create an application and a CoreGameObjectManager and load the .world file in the same way that the GOOF editor does. Link to the appropriate dlls from GOOF and that's it.