30-11-2005 14:27:53
Hi i've got a problem with RaySceneQueries
the code in the OgrePagingLandscapeRaySceneQuery.cpp file stops when you specify RSQ_FirstTerrain | RSQ_Entities after the terrain Query by return.. which is kinda bad because if i use a non-flagged raySceneQuery (for both entities and world fragments) the world Fragment returned is always straight below the camera (as if using RSQ_Height)
is the return in there neccessary?
the code in the OgrePagingLandscapeRaySceneQuery.cpp file stops when you specify RSQ_FirstTerrain | RSQ_Entities after the terrain Query by return.. which is kinda bad because if i use a non-flagged raySceneQuery (for both entities and world fragments) the world Fragment returned is always straight below the camera (as if using RSQ_Height)
is the return in there neccessary?