Looking into PLSM2


20-09-2006 08:18:52

Hello everybody,

Firstly I'll say I'm a noob when it comes to CVS.

1) I'm looking into getting PLSM2 compiled from CVS... does this also mean I will need to get Dagon CVS as well?

2) I used TortoiseCVS and got the ogrenew and ogreaddons modules on my E: partition. Does the ogreaddons directory need to be inside the ogrenew directory, or is this structure fine? (What is the preferred relationship between the 2 directories?)

3) When I opened the script file E:\ogreaddons\paginglandscape\plsm2_vc8_CVS.sln, there were many projects that could not be found or opened... have I done something wrong?

MapEditor (unavailable)
PLSM_Basic (unavailable)
PLSM_Camera (unavailable)
PLSM_Deformation (unavailable)
PLSM_HorizonMap (unavailable)
PLSM_HorizonVisibility (unavailable)
PLSM_Listener (unavailable)
PLSM_Minimap (unavailable)
PLSM_NoExample (unavailable)
PLSM_Occlusion (unavailable)
PLSM_painting (unavailable)
PLSM_Picking (unavailable)
PLSM_Rts (unavailable)
PLSM_State (unavailable)
PLSM_Vegetation (unavailable)
PLSM_Water (unavailable)

I'm going with the assumption that these are future projects that will be added in as they are created.

It's getting late, so I will stop here for the night, and tomorrow I will try to compile everything. I just want to know if I'm on the right track.
Sorry if this has been answered a bunch of times.. I've read the wiki and sticky threads, and did a basic search, but couldn't find the answers to my questions.

Thanks in advance,


tuan kuranes

20-09-2006 09:10:42

1) yes.
2) perfect. that's the 'preferred relationship'
3) argghhh all my future plans revealed. yes it's a bad commit done here. I'll update that asap.


20-09-2006 12:02:25

1) yes.
2) perfect. that's the 'preferred relationship'
3) argghhh all my future plans revealed. yes it's a bad commit done here. I'll update that asap.

You could always delete this thread and kill kungfoomasta... and me...

Err... wait...

tuan kuranes

20-09-2006 12:48:08

Well, was going to commit that soon anyway, but I miss some times to finish all samples.
Best would be to find some help building samples.

Undone are
- PLSM_Occlusion (need a test scene), PLSM_Paging (very basic .scene loading per page or/and Goof Scene loading),

And all following wil be mainly porting/updating Dr Pain code from rts sample :
- PLSM_Minimap, PLSM_Picking, and finally PLSM_RTS (in which I intend to add afterwards some AI pathfinding I already done to polish that sample app).

Perhaps I can commit already done code... but I'm afraid of begginners question on unfinished samples "why it doesn't work ?"


20-09-2006 20:11:18

If you need some help, I believe I can help you. I've had to do most of that stuff for my game anyways and sample code would have been nice so the least I can do is help others. Let me know if you are interested and what you are looking for.


20-09-2006 20:57:53

You could always delete this thread and kill kungfoomasta... and me...

Err... wait...

LOL! :lol:

Can I get some explanations on the basic idea/concept behind these projects?

PLSM_Listener (dunno what it is, but sounds important!)

To me, it seems like the following would be the most important to work on:


I'm afraid of begginners question on unfinished samples "why it doesn't work ?"

Ah, I'm a noob!


tuan kuranes

21-09-2006 09:50:42

Ideas is to demonstrate a feature per demo.

PLSM_Basic = does nothing else than loading a map.
PLSM_Listener = print all PLSM2 event on screen when happening.
PLSM_NoExample = using a user "while" to render calling renderOneFrame, no framelistener
PLSM_State = state management using plsm2. (end, new, pause, etc...)
PLSM_Camera = 4 camera / 4 viewport (demonstrate per camera paging.)
PLSM_Deformation = ...
PLSM_Painting = ...

I'm very interested in any help on any samples, but surely most appreciated would be a Port/upgrade of PLSM_RTS, which would be the PLSM2 Demo. From that point, building PLSM_Minimap, PLSM_Picking would only just be subpart of plsm_rts.

Ok, so I'll commit all asap.


22-09-2006 21:33:27

I started work on porting RTS but have a few questions...

VC 7 or 8?

Ogre SDK or CVS?

RTS doesn't use OIS for input though the next Ogre will. Shall I convert it to OIS whilst I'm in there? If so I believe an included static lib is the best route. If this is going to be the new demo I would prefer it to be easy to build because honestly everything in PLSM2 is hard to build and even harder to get it to run at first.

Build from a stand-alone directory or in Ogre folders like PLSM2 builds?

10/24/2005 is the last update on the WIKI is this correct?

A CVS update did not include RTS so I downloaded it from the WIKI. Is it in CVS and I just didn't find it?

tuan kuranes

23-09-2006 13:27:28

vc8 or vc7, I'll convert it to vc8 myself if needed.
ogre SDK dagon.
Well, I would prefer no OIS dependency until Eihort, so that anyone can build it in a easier way. (even static lib would be too complex, would need multiple versions, etc...)

It's not in CVS, but that was just direct wiki code copy, didn't had time to make any change yet, even porting it to dagon.