[HELP] CVS related problems.


21-09-2006 20:27:34

Hey all, it's been awhile but I'm back, with my problems of course hehe.

Anyway, I have a small problem now. I took the latest PLSM from the CVS just a few minutes ago and it built fine. Ran MapSplitter, went fine too. Now, when I ran the PLSM demo, it kept saying this:

Error #: 8
Function: FileSystemArchive::changeDirectory
Description: Cannot open requested directory ../../../../../ogreaddons/paginglandscape/Samples/Media/paginglandscape2/terrains/TsmTerrain.
File: ..\src\OgreFileSystem.cpp
Line: 141
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>

This is weird, since I've checked (afaik) all the config files for that path and nothing. The weird thing is that it finds the config file in ../../../Media/paginglandscape2/terrains and the config files all point to the current directory (eg. "no directory") so hmm, what's the problem here? PLSM resides in ogrenew\PlugIns\PagingLandScape2 and the VC8 project file in ogrenew root folder, just like always.

Thanks in advance :wink:

tuan kuranes

22-09-2006 13:33:56

did you check TsmTerrain.cfg ?
perhaps bad path is there ?


22-09-2006 18:40:17

I did. The file is in the folder 'ogrenew\Samples\Media\paginglandscape2\terrains' and here's what TsmTerrain gen & cfg files say:




So that's not causing it I'd presume.


22-09-2006 20:17:19

The demo has hard coded paths in it. It only uses them if it cannot find the PLSM group. Make sure the resources.cfg that it uses has the right paths and groups in it. Otherwise PLSM2 Demo will use the hard coded paths that as far as I can tell are never correct.