28-09-2006 06:28:39
When I use mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry, it creates all the landscape in positive X and postive Y area (ie. the First Quadrant). In my game, I need landscape to be on all sides of the origin. How do I move the landscape. I don't see any ways of moving it in the Terrain.cfg file.
tuan kuranes
28-09-2006 14:17:02
That Terrain Scene manager Plugin which is OGRE core, and then ogre main forum related. I don't know if you can move it without modifying the plugin.
Paging Landscape Scene Manager is a different plugin you have to download and install, but good news it that it has terrain centered by default.
29-09-2006 01:26:49
Ya, I'll try out the paging scenemanager.
PS: I actually meant to post this in the main forum.