Major Trouble with plsm and mapsplitter


14-10-2006 09:17:45

Hello everyone,

I worked through the tutorials for the last few weeks and i really love what i see.

But now i thought i would try the plsm plugin and i find myself utterly lost

first thing is the source for the sdk

i am working with VC7.1 and the plsm SDK project tells me i cant open is since its done with VC 8

somehow i think i got that working which i am not really sure of

so next thing is the map splitter
took me for ever to make it run without errors
i know what its supposed to do but i have no clue how to configurate it and make it work with files that i have. i dont even know where the output of this thing goes and how i would use those files then

the demo application i just cant figure out how to run it somehow it cant open certain directories

next thing would be how i use a splitted map (if i knew where the mapsplitter put it) in code. would i just do it like this:

mSceneMgr->setWorldGeometry( "Alpes.cfg" );

you see i am really lost

i have been searching for answers for days now and i just cant find anything that would point me to what i am doing wrong:-) hell i would be happy to find anything that would tell me what to do at all:-)

i hope someone can put me in the right direction:-)

thx a lot in advance


14-10-2006 09:35:20

Hey Rozik,

I am still learning PLSM as well. Tuan is the the maintainer of this plugin (as far as I know), and he is currently recovering from a dead hard disk.

This is the general process for creating terrain (somebody correct me if I'm wrong):

1) Get a heightmap image, greyscale png (can be others, but for ease of example)
2) Get a colormap image of the terrain
3) Create a map generation file, eg RoziksMap.gen.cfg, with options following the wiki and the provided template file, Template.default.gen.cfg
4) Modify the maptools.cfg to tell mapsplitter to process your terrain images, using the options specified in the gen file.
5) Run Mapsplitter, which should create a directory of many image files, mainly your heightmap and colormap split up into sections.
6) Create a Runtime configuration file, eg RoziksMap.cfg, with options following the wiki and the provided template file, Template.default.cfg
7) Modify PagingLandscape.cfg, or maptools.cfg, as they are the same format, and set the defaultmap to your map.
8 ) Call setWorldGeometry("Paginglandscape.cfg");

This example is very brief, and may not be 100% correct, as I am very new to PLSM myself. One thing to try is to load a default terrain, like TSM terrain (Terrain Scene Manager) using PLSM, which I was able to do. These provided terrains have *.gen.cfg and *.cfg files to look off of for additional information.

Another alternative is to read all of this thread:

That thread should answer a lot of questions that you may have about the configuration options of both the gen and runtime cfg files.

Hope this helps,



14-10-2006 16:46:38

ooh, hijack question...

2) Get a colormap image of the terrain
If you've set up splatting, is this necessary?


14-10-2006 19:02:07

Setting up splatting only works based on heights, right?

I'm not sure, but since I used L3DT I plan on using a colormap, and then doing additional texturing/painting after thet terrain is loaded via PLSM. Notice I said the word "plan".. lol.


tuan kuranes

16-10-2006 13:29:44

If you've set up splatting, is this necessary?