[SOLVED] PLSM2 Sample won't start


07-12-2005 09:57:09


I managed to get CVS version of PLSM2 compiled on Linux (with OGRE CVS, compiled with --with-platform=GLX).
Now when I try to start the Sample app the startup screen shows up, I select my resolution etc. and then I get lots of errors like that one:

Error at line 13 of Examples.program: Could not create GPU program 'Ogre/BasicVertexPrograms/AmbientOneTexture', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!

Error #: 7
Function: HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getFactory
Description: Cannot find factory for language 'cg'.
File: OgreHighLevelGpuProgramManager.cpp
Line: 72
Stack unwinding: <<beginning of stack>>
Error at line 22 of Examples.program: Could not create GPU program 'Ogre/HardwareSkinningOneWeightShadowCaster', error reported was: An exception has been thrown!

Ogre.log is here http://www.mreil.de/Ogre.log
Cg is installed. Does anyone have an idea?


tuan kuranes

07-12-2005 10:09:19

is plugincgmanager is registered in plugins.cfg ?


07-12-2005 10:22:37

Sorry, but I had not run MapSplitter yet.
I downloaded the datasources and got the same error as Rodif in http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2addons/viewtopic.php?t=230. I am just updating my CVS tree and see if it is running then.

Thanks so far,


07-12-2005 10:29:04

Did you already commit the fix to Rodif's problem in CVS? I still get the error he described:
created : ps_texture_1k.0.0.png
created : ps_texture_1k.0.1.png
created : ps_texture_1k.1.0.png
created : ps_texture_1k.1.1.png
MapSplitter: MapSplitter.cpp:167: void Ogre::MapSplitter::SplitAndSpaceHeightData(const Ogre::String&, Real*, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int): Assertion `Heightdata[i] * divider <= 65535' failed.

btw have you also checked in the missing
#include <string.h>
in Tools/MapSplitter/src/filetutils.cpp


tuan kuranes

07-12-2005 11:10:18

do you use the new paginglandscape2 media folder or the old paginglandscape media folder ?

In the previous thread you told me to include stdlib.h, which I have done. Was it that or string.h ?


07-12-2005 11:23:00

I am using the new paginglandscape2 media folder. The contents of datasrcs.zip I put there are being processed until the error occurs.

And for the include: it is supposed to be string.h. I don't know why I came up with another one. Sorry about that.

tuan kuranes

07-12-2005 12:05:15

could you make sure the terrain gen.cfg and cfg files comes from CVS and not from the datasrc ?
Only data should come from there.

I'll change the datasrc.zip on the website if it includes cfg files.

so I remove stdlib.h and put string.h ?


07-12-2005 12:23:30

datasrcs.zip only contains image data:
$ unzip -l datasrcs.zip
Archive: datasrcs.zip
Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
2304000 01-21-05 13:33 alpes.raw
1168687 09-25-04 13:58 gcanyon_height_4k2k.png
13916139 09-25-04 13:59 gcanyon_texture_4k2k.png
192047 09-15-04 10:15 Heightfield.png
117024 07-16-04 10:49 HMcrater.png
286385 02-23-05 15:53 ps_height_1k.png
1798254 01-28-05 17:49 ps_texture_1k.png
2101250 10-27-04 09:33 terragen16bits.raw
-------- -------
21883786 8 files

And yes, please change the import.

tuan kuranes

07-12-2005 13:09:56

ok fixed a segfault in mapsplitter.

Disabling minimap in .gen.cfg files til anonymous CVS is updated should work.

fixed fileutils.cpp


07-12-2005 14:21:05

If I disable MiniMap and ColorMapSplit MapSplitter works.
However the rendering screen looks like this http://www.mreil.de/ogre.jpg when I start the PLSM sample app. Is this right? I expected something like in the OGRE terrain demo. Am I still doing something wrong?

tuan kuranes

07-12-2005 14:26:43

This is a eagle eye view that show terrain size.
Perhaps it's too much disturbing

hit b to make camera stick to ground.


07-12-2005 14:44:39

Thank you.
That just wouldn't come to my mind...


tuan kuranes

07-12-2005 15:17:20

Cannot reproduce the bug with the ColorMapSplit.