28-10-2006 22:42:59
I've just seen a strange behaviour. Everything works good, but as soon as I make this:
I've this message in the log file, for all textures of my terrain:
That's weird because the right texture is displayed correctly on the terrain!
But in the other hand, the texture unit I'm trying to set becomes blank. It is a rendered texture made like this:
Same thing if the resource group is DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
I think it is a resource group problem, but I cannot find where.
PS:The rendered texture is correct, I just tried it on an object.
I've just seen a strange behaviour. Everything works good, but as soon as I make this:
MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName("ImagePagingDecompress");
I've this message in the log file, for all textures of my terrain:
Error #: 8
Function: ResourceGroupManager::openResource
Description: Cannot locate resource geornTexture.5.5. in resource group PLSM2 or any other group..
That's weird because the right texture is displayed correctly on the terrain!
But in the other hand, the texture unit I'm trying to set becomes blank. It is a rendered texture made like this:
TexturePtr mTexture = TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual( "skyScattering",
64, 64, 0, PF_R8G8B8A8, TU_RENDERTARGET );
Same thing if the resource group is DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
I think it is a resource group problem, but I cannot find where.
PS:The rendered texture is correct, I just tried it on an object.