19-12-2005 12:42:32
I have a feature-request...
wouldn't it be possible to use "unlimited" height values in both negative and positive direction?
I noticed that the TSM-Demoterrain that comes with Ogre flats out pretty soon when try to lower parts of it meaning that the height values reach minimum and stay there.. you get a flat area there.
I'd really like to have the possibility to alter the height values completely freely and have the height min/max values recalculated before the _modif.* files get written out at shutdown
Do you see a possibility for that?
tuan kuranes
19-12-2005 13:09:01
It means reloading all page data (heightmap), recomputing min-max, then renormalize heightmap and save them, and finally store the scale change ?
tuan kuranes
19-12-2005 16:08:32
I would do that on modelling side.
Making the whole map way above 0, so that a huge lot of deformation would be needed before reaching 0, same for max height.
Using a 16 bits maps, you can easily restrict primary terrain modelling to (16384-4951) range leaving deformation being able to fill the whole (0, 65536), having a deformation "buffer" of 16384 possible values each side.
Could easily be added as a mapsplitter "renormalizing" filter, if you wish.
19-12-2005 16:10:32
Hm why reload the heightmap?
Basically my idea about this would be to make the live data completely heightmap-format independant, the height being simple floats that don't have a min/max limitation on the values. Upon exit & change to the terrain the live data would be written out with re-scaled height-values... bad thing is that would probably require per-page heightmaps in the worst case to allow for global min/max rescaling
19-12-2005 16:22:21
agreed, that is probably the best way to go about that...
I'd be very happy about the additional "filter"
tuan kuranes
19-12-2005 17:47:47
This would be worth a screenshot or two if not top-secret ingame editor ?
And you have to find a name for the filter variable to add to the mapsplitter config file, as I don"t seem to find any :
"DeformationResolutionBufferAdd" is my best shot...
19-12-2005 20:59:55
yup, I'll get you some screenshots.. i don't know when i will have the time to work on it again, though - might be 3 days
04-01-2006 10:27:10
sorry still didn't have the time to take those screenies... holidays were too much for me