21-12-2005 01:03:04
Hi all,
I installed the scene manager and i'm running into a few problems, perhaps someone can shed some light on the matter.
My ogre install:
OGRE 1.0.6 Source for Windows
Dependencies 1.0.6 For Visual C++ .Net 2003 (7.1)
Compiling and integrating it into the main ogre project all went perfectly well. I compiled the debug versions and placed these, together with the freshly compiled ogre dll's into the plsm2\OgreSDK\bin\debug dir. I ran into a couple of small things but the main thing is that mapsplitter keeps crashing on me when i try to split gcanyon_height_4k2k. All the other maps split without errors. Another thing is that when i try to look at the alps map i keep getting the message that it cant find the alps.cfg which resides where the other cfg's are as well.
I'm probably doing something silly but maybe someone can help me with this?
I installed the scene manager and i'm running into a few problems, perhaps someone can shed some light on the matter.
My ogre install:
OGRE 1.0.6 Source for Windows
Dependencies 1.0.6 For Visual C++ .Net 2003 (7.1)
Compiling and integrating it into the main ogre project all went perfectly well. I compiled the debug versions and placed these, together with the freshly compiled ogre dll's into the plsm2\OgreSDK\bin\debug dir. I ran into a couple of small things but the main thing is that mapsplitter keeps crashing on me when i try to split gcanyon_height_4k2k. All the other maps split without errors. Another thing is that when i try to look at the alps map i keep getting the message that it cant find the alps.cfg which resides where the other cfg's are as well.
I'm probably doing something silly but maybe someone can help me with this?