14-11-2006 12:59:56
Dear friends,
I tried to build Plugin_PLSM2 yesterday using CodeBlocks after downloading the cvs version a few days ago (November 12th).
Since I was using [Ogre 1.2.3 with Code::Blocks + MinGW C++ Toolbox], I had to delete :
I tried to build Plugin_PLSM2 yesterday using CodeBlocks after downloading the cvs version a few days ago (November 12th).
Since I was using [Ogre 1.2.3 with Code::Blocks + MinGW C++ Toolbox], I had to delete :
- [$(OGRE_HOME)\stlport\stlport] from [Build Options -> Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager -> Directories -> Compiler][/*:m]
- [stlport.5.0] from [Build Options -> Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager -> Release -> Linker][/*:m][/list:u]The compilation works perfectly aside from several warnings about typecasting. There are one warning about redefinition of
on filetutils.cpp from the previous one on [MinGW\include\sys\stat.h], however.
At this point, the Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.dll was successfully created, but the post-build copy to [..\..\..\Samples\Common\bin\Release] failed, so I copied it manually to the specified folder.
Then, I copied the following files to my [$(OGRE_HOME)\bin\release] folder and overwrote any existing files:- Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.dll[/*:m]
- libnoise.dll[/*:m]
- IPLSceneManager.cfg[/*:m]
- paginglandscape2.cfg[/*:m]
- Plugins.cfg[/*:m]
- Plugins_plsm2.cfg[/*:m]
- resources.cfg[/*:m]
- resources_plsm2.cfg[/*:m][/list:u]According to resources.cfg, I had to put several folders including the one from datasrc.zip to the [$(OGRE_HOME)\media\paginglandscape2] folder, so I did that. I also changed the path so it points to the correct Media folder.
And then, I created a simple test program [here] to load the scene manager. The test program is just an ordinary SampleApp based on the default OGRE template. I just override the [chooseSceneManager()] method with the one found on PagingLandScape2Application.h, and build them.
All runs well up to this point. When I run the test program, it crashed and gave the "don't send" message box. When I viewed the error report, it just said that [ModName:plugin_paginglandscapescenemanager2.dll] had caused the crash. No plsm2.log had been created, and the Ogre.log doesn't shows no error at all. The ogre.log could be viewed [here].
I had been struggling with this problem for the past week and had exhausted every visible (at least for me :p) options. I had explored the Paging Landscape SceneManager category on this forum up to the last year's posts but found no thread that could help me on my problem. I had tried to compile the plugin on OgreSDK 1.2.2 + MinGW w/ stlport + CodeBlocks but found the same error message.
Oh, and when I tried to read the plugin's metadata, the description and name of the PLSM2 plugin shows up prefectly before the program crashed.
Are there anybody out there that had successfully built and used the plugin using [Ogre 1.2.3 with Code::Blocks + MinGW C++ Toolbox]? I am only too happy to provide more information about the crash.
Btw, when I tried to build the MapSplitter, the compilation failed on MapEqualizer.cpp line 919:#ifdef _WIN32
_fpreset(); // Bug in CRandom! Causes messed up floating point operations!
I tried to comment the line and the build&run succeeds. The mapsplitter.log could be found [here].
- Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.dll[/*:m]