14-02-2007 09:32:47
In file MapUtil.cpp from CVS
Line 888 and 1020 , the same code :
colormPureFilename += partofname + ".";
ExistingColorMap.load (colormPureFilename + "." + load_ext_name, mGroupName);
will add the dot twice.
I corrected it to :
colormPureFilename += partofname;
The tool worked well.
Line 888 and 1020 , the same code :
colormPureFilename += partofname + ".";
ExistingColorMap.load (colormPureFilename + "." + load_ext_name, mGroupName);
will add the dot twice.
I corrected it to :
colormPureFilename += partofname;
The tool worked well.