1.4rc1 compatible SDK?


25-02-2007 07:28:36

I have pledged to only use SDK versions of third party libraries, not getting the source. The reason for this is that I can avoid re-working the innards of those libraries, and instead focus on what I should be doing: creating my game. Thus, I've gotten DLLs for Ogre, Lua, and other dependencies of my game, rather than source.

Is there a built SDK version of the PLSM2 for Ogre 1.4rc1? Maybe through nightly auto-builds?


25-02-2007 21:49:05

I just recently grabbed the ogreaddons from cvs, and the paginglandscapescenemanager included in there works with eihort. There are project files for both CVS and SDK versions included


26-02-2007 22:32:03

Right. But grabbing the source is not an SDK. I want a pre-compiled SDK, because I find that, when I have source, I end up improving the source, rather than just using the SDK, and thus I work on building a platform, instead of building a game on top of a platform. Call it a self-imposed rule.


27-02-2007 00:37:04

Does SDK imply that it's mostly working at that point, or that it's a mere snapshot of the library at a certain point in time? I believe that even if you used a PLSM2 SDK, you would find a lot of problems using it.

Anyhow, good luck on that, jwatte.


27-02-2007 00:54:48

Well, "SDK" means it comes as DLLs and headers. If it doesn't work, it's a broken SDK, but still an SDK :-)

I got the source, and fixed some of the first problems (the paths in the config files had a ../ too much, a reference to OIL.lib was missing, the recently reported unused shader parameter, ...) and have been able to run the mapsplitter tool, but not yet the demo app.

I may hold off a little bit if I can't get it running tonight; it seems slightly too immature; I can make forward progress with the built-in single-file terrain manager.


27-02-2007 00:56:59

Right. But grabbing the source is not an SDK.

There are project files for both CVS and SDK versions included


27-02-2007 03:24:27

Right. But grabbing the source is not an SDK.

There are project files for both CVS and SDK versions included

Yes, I understand that. It still involves compiling source, though. And fixing the project files. The SDK version of the vc8 project was missing a reference to OIL.lib and I had to add a command line option to increase the compiler heap size. An SDK == DLLs plus headers plus documentation.

tuan kuranes

28-02-2007 14:17:37

PLSM2 Eihort SDK is under active work note.
About documentation, for now wiki and forums are the only real source.


28-02-2007 20:16:52

Thank you. So the simple answer to my question is "not yet." That's a fine answer!

It also seems that building the SDK is a separate process from whatever automated builds and tests there are. While that's not perfect, my desire to not work on platforms for this project precludes me from helping fix it :-)