26-03-2007 16:23:49
I'm gonna became mad!
It's months that I'm tryng to make PLSM to work! I SIMPLY CANNOT UNDERSTAND!!
Well, here is my problem, please HELP ME!
I have:
1) Windows Vista
2) CVS, so I can download everything I need.
3) Microsoft Visual c++ .NET (8.0) + Service Pack 1
I won't tell you all my tryes, but I followed step-by-step every tutorial about that damned PLSM2.
So, please, please, please...
.. can you tell me basically how to set up plsm, starting with the installation and ending with what must I do to use it in an application?
Thank you, please help me, I'm desperate!
26-03-2007 17:40:51
In my part-time, I have worked a little bit with PLSM2 for over a year. Sometimes, I was able to get results in about one night from a given PLSM2/Ogre3d release by carefully following the directions, other times I was not successful for several days, and moved on to other things.
If you are trying to get the current cvs head version running with Eihort, there might be far too many integration steps and combination variations for someone to easily walk you through at this point in time--after all, the code maintenance for PLSM2 is out of synch with the Eihort release. It's my understanding (and that's very little) that most of the author's effort is being put into the design of PLSM3.
If it's possible for you to roll back to an earlier version of the Ogre 1.2 Dagon SDK and use the zipped format of the PLSM2 available from Tuan's website (not the CVS versions), you might have better luck getting the sample up and running, and then once you see how all the parts are supposed to fit, work up from there. Those instructions that are provided on the wiki, plus some tips in this forum, did work at one time--somewhat--if you were meticulous in following all the steps, being careful with all the different cfg files and trying out different mapsplits.
Perhaps, the folks that have had success with PLSM2 in their projects picked up an earlier version when it worked, adapted it to their own engines, and corrected things by creating source forks which are now proprietary.
If we can get this version of PLSM2 (and its sample!) cleaned up and working with Eihort reliably and with fewer integration combinatoric possibilities, we might make a great contribution to our community and help Tuan out, freeing him up to advance the cutting edge part of the art. I just wish it was clearer what the project plans and timeline are for PLSM3--I worry that it's going to spring out of the clouds and change everything just about the time I get PLSM2 doing real work in a project
26-03-2007 22:13:14
well I put together plsm2 and eihort together yesterday without a problem. but must say, that I stopped my first try two month ago because I wasn't able to let the thing run.
My experience till now is, that you need a lot of knowledge about vs and ogre. after some time, things become clearer and you know which things belongs to another.
I can't help you with an advice but I can asure, that it's possible to run the demos with your installation. To be honest, I don't know exactly what I've changed in code, but there were a lot of things.
First look, where the errors come from. the first are from the compiler, so include all header files (in include directories), the second comes from linker (after compiling) so problems are that the obj and/or dll and/or lib folders are not set correctly.
I just tried to include everything at the right place, afterwards I cleaned up step by step.
Hope it helps a little.
greetings caharim
Can I suggest you try using terrain scene manager for a while
and see if that helps you understand ogre. A lot of the concepts
are used in plsm2. When you come back to it then at least you'll
have a better foundation to build on.