PLSM3 in development ?
25-04-2007 14:27:45
is PLSM3 still in development ?
When it will be released ?
tuan kuranes
25-04-2007 14:36:30
it is still on dev.
At most 1-2 month, as real life work take a lot of time...
I just want to point that the main thing is that I'm really working on a finished polished product, easing its use and giving documentation and several samples as well.
So it takes time, but I hope for good reasons.
25-04-2007 17:27:36
Cheers to that. I have faith that it'll be a knockout.
25-04-2007 17:47:46
by then i`ll finish up with the exams and have time to actually work with it yey!
can`t wait to get it!
25-04-2007 18:30:51
That's great Tuan, looking forward to playing with it!
One question, will PLSM3 be written from the ground up, or modified from PLSM2? I ask because PLSM2 has some shaky parts in its Octree Scene Manager code that wasn't very compatible with other libraries I was using.
26-04-2007 03:08:18
Just adding my own interest and support for this, looking forward to testing it out when it's done.
< Really looking forward to it
26-04-2007 21:50:43
Me too. Mostly for the far superior documentation.
27-04-2007 05:35:14
1-2 months? I would've thought longer than that. Cool. I'm excited.
28-04-2007 05:02:52
This is great news! I can't wait!
28-04-2007 15:57:16
Cool! Looking forward to your release, but I'm also glad you're putting care into it and taking time you need.
25-05-2007 10:14:39
Any updates?
I'm trying to decide whether I should get something else working in the interim or just work on other parts of my game and ignore terrain for now.
29-05-2007 20:46:28
I'm also waiting for the update, but I'm going to focus on implementing different parts first. I can still wait a while for PLSM3, because terrain is actually not really required in my project.
29-05-2007 21:03:01
I've been having a conversation with Tuan outside of the forums and he's still working on PLM3. From what he's told me, it sounds very promising. If you've read my AdVantage Terrain Library versus PLM3 thread, you'll know my concerns about the PLM project. It seems he's going to be dealing with all of them.
He doesn't visit the forums often anymore because it's distracting and aggravating - most people are asking about the PLM2 not working with the latest version of Ogre, etc. while he's concentrating on the next version.
The last he said on the progress was that it was going to be done in a couple months, so I'd assume that's the case unless he says otherwise.
29-05-2007 22:07:18
When you speak to him, send some kudos from me!
And that I know what he mean: sometimes forum activities drain too much energy and distracts too much.
Looking forward to what master Tuan comes up with.
30-05-2007 03:54:36
I can imagine it being insanely off putting/annoying/frustrating looking at the forums with all the PLSM2 problems and people asking for PLSM3.
I will be interested to see how he is splatting, coming up with the best solution is driving me slowly insane, 12 splats in 1 pass seems the best all round option so far, ive managed 28 splats in 1 pass using a combination of 2d and 3d textures but it seems 3D textures are a lot slower to access so im going back to my original plan.
If he needs any help in this area i would be glad to help.
Ban him from the forum untill PLSM3 is finished
18-06-2007 05:55:06
the first post is nearly two month ago. Any updates on status ?
18-06-2007 13:21:48
I am also interested in if someone had any info about PLSM3 current state..
tuan kuranes
18-06-2007 13:33:37
Still not ready (structure is done and clear but heavy bugs and lot of documentation/samples to finish).
And not much time to inject in it for now as Real life really takes too much time.
19-06-2007 20:42:13
Real life really takes too much time.
It really does..
21-06-2007 19:26:13
why not putting PSLM3 files in CVS?poeple could submit patches and help to PSLM developpement...
22-06-2007 06:27:50
a good question
An older post, I know, but still relevant.
If PLSM3 were turned loose on the masses before being in a working condition, Tuan would spend all of his time coordinating dueling patches. Sort of like herding cats, if you know what I mean.
This is one of those occasions where I welcome a benevolent dictator rather than a democracy.
I missed out on being able to put in my two cents for a feature list. Hopefully PLSM3 addresses enough of my concerns. But then there are alternate solutions on the horizon.
08-07-2007 07:05:06
This is one of those occasions where I welcome a benevolent dictator rather than a democracy.
It really does have to be that way sometimes. My project has been the latter for over two years until recently. Sometimes its just time to get things done right, no matter what the masses say.
15-07-2007 20:26:43
What's the status of the PLSM 3??
When is the release date??
20-07-2007 23:50:02
I think its done when its done
Crystal Hammer
02-09-2007 08:03:12
Hi guys, any news on PLSM3 ? Which month can we expect its release or is it still difficult to predict ? Looking forward to it.
19-11-2007 11:25:06
hope everything goes well!