Crash in Node::_update()


13-02-2006 18:18:54

This is a continuation of the thread:

I've been having crash problems since about the time that Tuan fixed the problem with the render pools growing out of hand. For reference, see:

I don't know if it's coincidence, but I hadn't updated Ogre in 3 weeks, and it was working fine until I updated PLSM.

I've verified this occurs when all my other threads are sleeping. I had thought I was changing the sceneNode tree during the render, but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Is there a possibility that something got messed up with that fix?
Is anyone else seeing these crashes, or is it just me?

I updated to the latest CVS version of both Ogre and PLSM2 this morning, and it still crashes the same way.

Code stack at time of crash:

> OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::Node::_update(bool updateChildren=true, bool parentHasChanged=false) Line 200 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::SceneNode::_update(bool updateChildren=true, bool parentHasChanged=false) Line 76 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::Node::_update(bool updateChildren=true, bool parentHasChanged=false) Line 200 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::SceneNode::_update(bool updateChildren=true, bool parentHasChanged=false) Line 76 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::SceneManager::_updateSceneGraph(Ogre::Camera * cam=0x01e09788) Line 1483 C++
Plugin_PagingLandScapeSceneManager2.dll!Ogre::PagingLandScapeSceneManager::_updateSceneGraph(Ogre::Camera * cam=0x01e09788) Line 309 + 0x9 bytes C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::SceneManager::_renderScene(Ogre::Camera * camera=0x01e09788, Ogre::Viewport * vp=0x02623060, bool includeOverlays=true) Line 921 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::Camera::_renderScene(Ogre::Viewport * vp=0x02623060, bool includeOverlays=true) Line 388 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::Viewport::update() Line 189 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::RenderTarget::update() Line 107 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::RenderWindow::update(bool swap=true) Line 72 C++
RenderSystem_Direct3D9.dll!Ogre::D3D9RenderWindow::update(bool swap=true) Line 936 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::RenderWindow::update() Line 64 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::RenderSystem::_updateAllRenderTargets() Line 99 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::Root::_updateAllRenderTargets() Line 966 C++
OgreMain_H.dll!Ogre::Root::renderOneFrame() Line 706 C++

tuan kuranes

14-02-2006 08:10:50

I don't see that to be related to my update.

Fix is really just releasing renderable when not any more needed.
No Nodes involved.


14-02-2006 13:09:12

Hmmmm... I was hoping you wouldn't say that. :cry:

Back to debugging......